Chapter 25

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The rest of the week flew by. Tony and Kayla was my everyday company and I really did enjoy being around them. I suspected something going on between them both but no kisses or long hugs got exchanged so I presumed they just remained friends. 

Harry kept on calling me, so did Ariel after a couple of days. I don't know if it took her a while to realize what had happened and what to do next, or just that no one told her. But the fact that I didn't come home and she still didn't call made me think the first option was the right one. I ignored their calls, messages and even their attempt to call with an unknown number, or through Louis or Niall's phones. Zayn hadn't called, just messaged me to ask me if I was alright. I wasn't.

Today was the day before the wedding and Tony and I was on our way to Manchester in his car. We were just staying there for the night today and tomorrow night, then we left on Friday to go back home. I had no idea where to go after the wedding but Tony assured me my old room would always be available. 

"Here we are." smiled Tony as he pulled up on the driveway belonging to mum and dad's house. It was massive, white and had the largest lawn around it. It was way to big for only two people and the help, but since my dad a lot of money from his work as a lawyer what else to do than to by the biggest house in Manchester. 

Tony took my bag along with his out of the car and we began walking down the cemented driveway and to the door. 

"Nervous?" asked Tony as he knocked on the door. I nodded. Butterflies filled my stomach and as I heard someone walk on the other side of the door they multiplied. The door opened and there she was, I never really realized how beautiful she was. Her light brown hair was down, curled at the ends and looked perfect together with the shining blue eyes. Tony got our mother's eyes, you could tell. Her normally pale skin had gotten bronzed under the summer which made the hair look even more lighter than it usually does. She was beautiful.

"Tony, Ruby!" She smiled and wrapped her arms around us both. My parents weren't that creative when it came to names, I realized it every time someone said mine and my brother's name in the same sentence. 

"Hi mum." I greeted when she squeezed me and Tony against her. Tony smiled, his smile was beautiful. 

"Are they here yet?" I could hear my fathers strong voice as he stepped in to the massive hallway. His black hair matched his eyes in the same colour as Tony and mum's.The olive toned skin looking so good on him, he was slightly more bronzed than my mother.

My mother let her tight grip around us go, allowing my father to squeeze us even tighter. 

"This wasn't yesterday." He chuckled. This might not go as bad as I thought it would. 

We walked through the massive hallway where we left our bags and in to the even bigger living room and made our way through the room just to walk in to the, just as big, kitchen. Everything was just as I remembered it to be, white and big and open spaced. I took a seat on the counter and snatched a grape from the bowl they were lying in. 

"How was the drive?" My mother asked in a happy tone. 

"Good." Tony answered, taking a grape and started chewing on it. "How are the wedding plans going?" asked Tony politely. He was always the good kid and never argued with our parents. 

"Really good actually." My father smiled. "Everything is fixed and it's beautiful. We're having the ceremony outside, did you see the seats when you drove in?" He asked and I shook my head. 

Of course they were having their wedding outside their house and not in a church, the lawn was probably bigger than the church in Manchester anyways. 

"We put out chairs for everyone together with small tents, tables and of course the aisle." My mother smiled towards us as she began walking outside with my father next to her. They made the perfect couple, just as beautiful and stubborn. 

She opened the backyard door and now I noticed why they chose to have it outside and not in a church. They had decorated it so beautifully, flowers placed on the tables and along with the chairs. The aisle was marked with a white carpet, probably better to walk on with heels than grass.

"It's beautiful." I admitted, earning smiled from both my parents and my brother. 

We spend hours talking, not too much about my life since I left it at 'I'm dating and I'm living alone and work at Jack Wills' which didn't attract many questions. I didn't feel good about lying to my parents but since I haven't spoken to them in two years, dropping the huge bomb about everything going on wouldn't be appropriate. 

"Where is your guest?" My mother asked me. Heck, I forgot. 

"Uh." I murmured. 

"Her guest couldn't make it, family loss." Tony lied for me, patting my thigh under the table. 

"How horrible." My father sighed, putting a piece of chicken in his mouth. I looked over to Tony, he had a smirk on his face and nodded towards me, assuring me it was alright. He did everything for me, he was probably the best person ever. 

We went to bed in our old rooms, they hadn't been touched. Tony and I chose to share rooms when we were kids, even though the house had nine bedrooms. We had our separate rooms, too, for when we needed to be alone or when we brought a friend over. I kept my clothes and toys there, the bedroom I shared with Tony was just filled with our beds, a telly and some books in a bookshelf. 

"Brings back a lot of memories." smiled Tony as he placed his bag on his bed in the left corner. I nodded, placing my bag on the bed in the right corner and sat down on the bed.

"Yeah, it does." I agreed, looking around the blue painted walls. 

I walked to the bathroom together with my bag  of toiletries and a new set of underwear and one of Tony's big t-shirts. It felt so comfortable wearing a big t-shirt, it reminded me of Harry.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower and shaved, cleaned my body and hair before getting out. I stepped in to the underwear and pulled the t-shirt over my head and left my bag in the bathroom since I would need it tomorrow. Their wedding was tomorrow, it hadn't sunk in yet. 

"Need anything?" Tony asked as he walked out of the room to get himself a glass of water. I shook my head even though I needed something, someone, Harry. My phone had been receiving calls all day but  I just put it on mute and pretended like it wasn't him, or Ariel, calling. Naomi had messaged a couple of times, letting me know everything was fine and I could even have this week plus my normal vacation. She was an angel.

Tony came back with his glass of water, placing it on the drawer in between our beds. I missed this, missed being a kid and just not caring. I didn't have drama in my life, it was just a class in school. 

"Goodnight Rubs." Tony's raspy voice spoke. I started crying. Tears fell down like a waterfall and would not stop even if I tried my hardest to keep them in. This was the first time since the car ride to Tony's flat I've cried and even if I hate to admit it, it feels good to let it all out. 

Tony walked over from his bed to mine and even though I could not see him through the tears filling up my eyes, making my sight blurry, I knew his features were concerned. He hadn't seen me cry, he didn't understand what triggered me. 

"Hey." He whispered. "It's okay, you just cry and I'll get some ice cream and we'll watch Mean Girls." Tony chuckled in an awkward tone as he wrapped his arm tighter around me, making me cry even harder. His touch was so like Harry's, so strong and firm but loving and caring at the same time. I missed him, I really, really missed him. 

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