Chapter 24

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I kept on staring at the phone as it vibrated and my ring tone blurted out of it. Tony walked up next to me, wrapping his steady arm around my shoulder. I felt tears forming, why was I so emotional when it involved him?

Before I understood what had happened Tony had grabbed my phone, pressed the green button and was now talking to Harry.

"Hey." His strong voice spat as he put the phone on speaker. 

"Who is this? Where is my girlfriend?" spoke Harry and I could tell he was angry.

"It's Tony." My brother answered, avoiding telling Harry my location.

"Who the fuck are you?" Harry spat. Since Harry and I never talked about our lives he didn't know anything about me.  He didn't know I had a brother, he didn't know I didn't speak to my parents, he didn't even know their names neither did he know that I lived in Manchester and Sheffield and moved to London without knowing anyone. He was right, our relationship was dumb.

"Tony." His voice was a bit wondering, like he was thinking 'Are there many other Tony's in my sister's life?'. He just didn't know anything about our relationship.

"Yeah, I'm not deaf." Harry spat. "Who the fuck is Tony?" Harry raised his voice against my brother and I knew that from now on Harry had lost all his chances to a good relationship with my family. If our relationship even continued that is.

"Does she know many other Tony's cause the last time I checked her brother is probably the only one named Tony she knows." He spat as he spoke, looking angry down at the phone. His eyes met mine, the blue replaced my black and he furrowed his brows. Harry had made a fool out of himself.

"Her brother?" Harry whispered, sounding a lot more confused than I thought was possible in a human voice.

"Yeah." sighed Tony. 

"Didn't know she had a brother." Harry murmured in to the speaker, causing Tony to shake his head. "But, where is she?" He spoke again, sounding a bit more calm but just as strong in his voice. Tony looked up at me and I shrugged. I didn't care if he told him, he didn't knew where he lived anyways.

"She is at my house, she's staying here too. When the wedding is over you can talk to her, just leave her alone now." Tony demanded. 

"What wedding?" Harry asked. He really had no idea about anything in my life and it made me a bit concerned right now. 

"The next time you get a girlfriend, try fucking speaking to her on a daily bases." Tony yelled in to the phone and slammed his thumb on the big red button. I looked up at him, not really sure how to act or what to say. "I hope he is good in bed or else you just waisted your time." Tony chuckled, leading me back to the kitchen table. I laughed with him, this was my brother, the one who could make me laugh just after tears spilling down my eyes. 

We went to bed early that night, I needed some rest since the whole Harry thing pulled all energy out of me. 


"Kayla!" I called out and she walked out of the living room and in to the kitchen. 

"Yeah?" She smiled as she moved her dark hair to one side. She was so beautiful, I've never seen anyone close to her beauty.

"When are we leaving?" I asked, looking down at my body dressed in shorts and Tony's big t-shirt.

"Take your time." She chuckled and I smiled towards her before walking back up to Tony's room, flicking through my dresses in his wardrobe. I picked out a navy blue coloured maxi dress, sleeveless and with cute detailing on the chest. I changed quickly and took my makeup bag with me to the bathroom. I did a simple look with mascara, concealer and lip gloss since the dress was pretty enough so I didn't need to put that much time to make my skin flawless. 

"Ruby, are you ready yet?" Tony yelled from downstairs and I could hear Kayla's voice telling him not to rush me. 

"I'm done." I yelled back as I walked down the stairs to see Kayla in her white dress that fell mid thigh and Tony dressed in a baby blue button up and black jeans. We looked good all three of us, but I guess you needed to if you went to the restaurant we are going to.

We got in to Tony's car and Kayla insisted on me sitting in the front with him. Since they were really close friends and I just interrupted their dinner I didn't feel that comfortable taking her seat too but it wasn't really possible to argue with her. 

"Table for three." Kayla smiled at the waitress with extremely blond hair who nodded and led us to the probably only empty table in the whole restaurant. I sat down next to Kayla, Tony was sitting in front of us. We got handed our menus by the pretty blond and I flicked through the pages, searching for a good dish that didn't cost me everything I had left on my card. 

It was nice to be out with my brother and his friend, she was really nice. They took Harry and Ariel away from my which normally only revolved around them. And now since Harry had spoken to my brother the way he did made me feel more angry toward him, he couldn't calm down for a second.

Ariel however hadn't called, messaged or tried to contact me in anyway. It was like she didn't care, or she didn't know yet. But I assumed she did, since both her ex boyfriends know. 

I guess until the phone call I was more angry with Ariel than Harry. Not just that she didn't tell me about it, she literally tried to take my boyfriend away from me, not before I got to know him, no, just when I had gotten to see how beautiful he was. She was supposed to be my best friend, and friends don't to that. 

"Ruby?" Kayla's pretty voice spoke, removing my thoughts from my head.

"Yeah?" I smiled slightly against her, returning her beautiful gesture.

"Are you okay?" She asked. "You seem a little bit down." Her brows furrowed. I looked over at Tony, he had the same expression on his face and they both looked genuinely worried about me. 

"I'm fine." I assured them with a smile. They both nodded and kept on eating their food, I did too. My food was good and listening to Tony and Kayla's conversation took my mind off things again. I needed their company to not call Harry and forgive him. I missed him so much, deep down I wanted to forgive him but since his rebellious act I was sure I needed a bit time to consider. I could have forgiven him so easy if he just said I'm sorry and meant it, proved it to me. But in the future, what if every argument we have ends up with me leaving, him yelling, us not talking. That's not going to work, we need to compromise but I think we both find that hard. 

"Ruby." Tony sighed as he turned his glare to my vibrating phone on the table. I looked at it, the same view as yesterday around this time. I clicked the red button, Harry's name and beautiful face faded and I was left sighing out loudly. "It'll be fine." smiled Tony and I thanked him, taking a sip of my cider. 

"Let's go home." Kayla suggested and I nodded. Tony waved for the waitress to hand us our check and we paid before walking back to Tony's car. 

I took the backseat, jumping in before Kayla could protest. I needed to sit alone and just think, not to hide my blank expression and tear filled eyes. Why couldn't Harry love me as I loved him? 

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