Chapter 28

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I threw myself in his arms, allowing the tears to fall and make his white t-shirt damp and filled with mascara. I held on to him for dear life, if this was the last time I could hold him in my arms I wasn't wasting any time.

"Are you okay?" He whispered in to my ear as his fingers trailed in my black hair. I've missed this so much.

"No." I managed to say through the tears. Harry pulled me out with a gap between us. I guess this was it. 

"Hey, stop crying. I'm right here." He smiled his beautiful smile that I had been without for nine whole days. He wiped tears from falling down with his thumb, his beautiful thumb. I was going insane from sorrow. I whimpered like a child when he pulled me in to his safe embrace again. I breathed in the smell of him which was a beautiful mixture of cherries and mint. 

"I've missed you." I admitted. It was like all the anger I felt towards him just vanished when I saw him, he was the definition of perfect. 

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I should have told you but I was too damn proud to realize I was the one making a mistake. It's never been that way, you know. I love you, I do love you so much and I'm a fucking stupid prick for even letting you go here. I'm sorry, I love you." He whispered in to my ear and I believed every word he spoke. He had a spell on me, I couldn't deny that. I didn't know if I forgave him because I was drunk but right now I didn't care.

"It's okay." I promised. I had gotten to see how my life would be without him and I wasn't ready for that at all. He had apologized, properly, and he knew that if he did the same thing again he would regret it. 

"I love you." He smiled again, kissing my lips. It was such a wonderful feelings, my lips had been so lonely since I left and Harry just made everything better through one touch. "You taste like vodka," He spoke before getting interrupted. 

"Ruby?" I could hear my brothers voice speak from the side of the table. I broke the kiss, stepping away from Harry's embrace to look over at Tony. He and Kayla stood with a glass in their hands and their faces looked a bit blurry through my drunk vision.

"Yeah?" I smiled, trying to act as sober as I could even though I was leaning on Harry to stand straight. 

"Who is this?" He spoke, referring to the curly haired boy he had never met in his life who was kissing his sister in his parents wedding. I giggled for myself before stopping, I needed to pull myself together cause if they found out I was drunk this wouldn't end that well. But, who cares?

"Harry, this is my brother." I smiled towards Harry. "You know the guy who yelled at through the phone?" I refreshed his memory a bit. He nodded and looked down on his shoes. 

I didn't feel that bad about introducing him to my brother, not as bad as I thought I would feel at least but I guess the alcohol helped a bit. 

"What are you doing here?" asked Tony with his eyes on Harry. "You live in London, how did you even find out where we were?" I could tell that he was mad cause he was almost yelling, but Kayla squeezed his hand to quiet him down. How cute. 

"I spoke to her room mate, she was supposed to come here too so she knew were it was. I just needed to get here since she didn't answer my calls or messages." answered Harry and looked up to face my brothers deathly glare. 

"Tony." I warned when he looked at Harry the way he looked at people before slamming them against the wall. Kayla squeezed his hand tighter, a bit too tight and when her nails accidentally buried themselves in to Tony's skin he pulled away. 

"Nice to see you. Don't fuck my sister up, or else I'll fuck you up." Tony walked away with a smile on his face, leaving Kayla with us. 

"Excuse him." She smiled before approaching us. "I'm Kayla." She held her hand out for Harry to shake which he did with a tiny smile on his face. 

"Harry." He murmured before Kayla smiled again and walked over to Tony. Why didn't they just get married already? Another wedding would be fun.

"Have you been drinking?" Harry asked me. I smiled towards him, pressing my lips against his for the second time today. We had nine days of not kissing to take back. 

"A little." I lied.

"Let's get you to bed." He chuckled before resting his hand on my hip, leading me out of the tent. "Where do you sleep?"  He asked, a bit concerned when he face the enormous house. I pointed up towards my window on the second floor and Harry nodded, walking me inside. 

I almost tripped over items left on the floor but Harry saved me as I stumbled up the stairs. 

"This is massive." He choked, looking around the white house. I nodded, it was indeed but I had lived here for sixteen years so I was pretty used to it to say the least. "You look beautiful." He murmured as we walked up the stairs. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to hear it or not cause he said it so quietly, but he said it and I heard it.

I lied down on the bed, taking my heels off and threw them away from the bed. Harry smiled before taking his shirt off, handing it to me which  I took and placed on the bed. I removed the dress from my body, standing revealed in only knickers since the dress had a chest gap and wouldn't look good with a bra. 

I felt Harry's gaze on me as  I turned around to retrieve his t-shirt on the bed. The champagne mixed with the vodka made me feel a bit confident so I teased him a little, trailing my fingers over my torso which I know he looked at. 

"Stop doing that or you'll not be a virgin anymore." He murmured. I bit my lip before reaching down to take the t-shirt, purposely bending down in a sexy way. "Stop biting your lip Rubs." warned Harry as I took the t-shirt up from the bed, rising slowly. I should drink more, it gave me such confidence. 

"Sorry." I giggled, placing my bottom lip between my teeth and slowly letting it pop back in place. I could see by Harry's look that it drove him insane. 

"Fuck the t-shirt." He murmured before walking over to me, pressing me against the wall and started kissing me all over my body. 

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