Chapter 41

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"Tony!" Both Kayla and I exclaimed as we jumped up from our seat and embraced the bed bound suicidal young adult I could call my brother. 

"Hey." He chuckled, slowly pulling his arms away from under the duvet to around Kayla's shoulder. I had taken a seat in the chair again, letting Kayla sit on the bed and move her fingers around in my brother's hair.

"How are you feeling?" She asked him, looking in to his deep blue eyes with her fully teared up ones. I know they couldn't stay mad at each other, not after something like this. Tony needed Kayla as much as Kayla needed Tony and if I could see that by just hanging out with them for a week they hopefully understood it themselves too. 

"Well, not that good if I'm going to be honest with you." He sighed.

"What happened?" I blurted out. The filter separating my thoughts from my speaking needed to be fixed and it needed to happen soon.

"I don't really want to discuss it." He snapped. I nodded, so did Kayla and we dived in to a discussion about how long he was out, what happened during that awful time and what to do next. We didn't really come to any conclusions on what to do next, but I wanted to hint them about my suggestion to go on a vacation.

"What do you say when I say Greece?" I murmured, looking back and forth between my brother and his hopefully to be girlfriend. Their eyes were locked on mine, Kayla's whole face lightening up like the sun while Tony looked both happy and worried. I gave him a confused glare before he cleared his throat, looking up at me again.

"I would love to go." He smiled, looking over at the dark haired brunette in his lap who had the biggest smile on her face. I don't think he actually is that excited for visiting Greece, he was never a sun and bath type of person but he agreed to go because of Kayla, I knew he would.

"Brilliant!" Kayla exclaimed. "When do you feel like going?" She wondered, looking at the black haired boy under her but got rather interrupted when a pair of doctors and nurses wandered in through the door and shoved her off the bed. 

"How are you feeling?" Dr. Granger asked Tony, looking at him right in the eyes.

"I'm not in pain." He murmured, almost forcing the words out of his mouth.

"Are you sure?" The doctor wondered and Tony nodded eagerly. "Well, then you have to sign some papers and you are okay to leave." She smiled at him, shaking his hand and moved away from the bed and out of the room.


It was weird having Tony and Kayla over at my house at the same time even though I was the one begging them to stay. I had messaged Harry, it felt like I hadn't seen him in years even though I saw him the day before I found Tony. I had messaged him once or twice each day, letting him know I was alright and as soon as everything was sorted out I would tell him what was going on. I think he got mad at me for refusing to tell him everything at once but I had no power in my body to explain it all to him, I had no power in my body at all.

Kayla stomped in to the kitchen, sitting down on the small island as I handed her a glass of juice before filling mine up. Tony had gone to bed as soon as we got home and Kayla were to join him after she had gotten something do drink. It was almost dark outside, the sky was pink from the sun going down. It was close to eight and I hadn't eaten since eleven this morning. I didn't feel hungry before I thought about my whole day without eating but my thoughts got disturbed by a phone call coming just as Kayla left to join Tony in bed. 

"Hi." I smiled in to the speaker.

"Hi baby." His husky voice murmured. I had missed his voice so much and hearing him call me that touched me everywhere. "Are you free now or do I have to wait another week?" He wondered. He asked me everyday through text messages if I could see him and it broke my heart every time I had to say no. I know he got annoyed after a while but I didn't know what else to do. I had Kayla to take care of, Tony to visit, plus I slept at least twelve hours every day and worked two days a week.

"Actually, I am free." I smirked.

"It isn't April first." He sighed. "I'll call you tomorrow." His weak voice was adorable, the disappointment still making me feel like I was a bad person.

"I'm not joking, Harry." I chuckled. "Pick me up at my flat, will you?" I bit my lip at the thought of kissing him again, it had been too long.

"I'll be right over." And with that he hung up. I strolled in to my room, changing out from my loose sweat pants to a pair of yoga pants and an over sized plain black t-shirt without any printing on it. I took my low cut converse with my to the hallway and threw my leather jacket over my shoulders before writing on the little board we had hanging on the door that I would call if I didn't come home earlier than eleven.

It was a chilly Sunday evening, my stomach was rumbling but my brother was alive and I've never been this happy in my life. I just strolled down the stair leading up to my flat with the biggest smile on my face, making me look like I belonged in a mental hospital since people in London didn't know how to smile just because they could. 

Harry's car stood parked where he always parks and when I strolled over he got out of the car and opened the door for me. When I got closer her wrapped his strong arms around me and spun me around in the air, my feet flying like birds, around and around and around. He put me down on the ground again just to place his firm hands on my cheeks, pulling my face closer to his as he leaned in for a kiss. 

He tasted just like I know he would; cherries. It was the best taste in the world and I never wanted him to leave my lips alone. This day was so perfect, too perfect.

I got in to the car, it was so much warmer inside of it compared to outside right now. I buckled up and as Harry drove away we dived straight in to the conversation I dreaded.

"You owe me an explanation." He smiled, assuring me he wasn't mad for me keeping something this big from him for so long.

"They say Tony tried to kill himself." I murmured, knowing I would never feel okay with saying those words cause i didn't believe them.

"Who says?" His husky voice was like music to my ears.

"The doctors. He was asleep for so long, he woke up today. He is fine now but he wont talk about what happened and he isn't really speaking much at all. I don't want to believe he tried to kill himself but how do you explain a can of pills mixed with alcohol? They fought too, him and Kayla. I had her drive over the day he went to hospital and she has stayed with me since that day. They are at my house right now, sleeping." I explained, probably not making the whole situation clear to my boyfriend but I know he would understand it without any further explanation.

"Rubs, I promise you he is going to be just fine. He will tell you every thing you need to know eventually, you just need to give him the time he needs." He smiled reassuringly, placing his hand over mine.

His words did make me feel better since I trusted him so much so I just nodded, resting my head on the car door's window.

"I love you." I murmured.

"I love you." He murmured back.

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