part 2: The Game Fights Back

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I exhaled slowly sweat running down my the side of my face. 

Fuck! I could of sworn I put enough molly in his drink last night. Shit its not a secret that he was addicted to it last year maybe I didn't put enough.

Is he on to us?

 Did he just get lucky and wake up at the perfect timing?

 So many questions came racing to my head all at once I began to get light headed scared for my life.

Looking over at Chy she seemed surprisingly calm to be in the position that we are in right now. I mean the nigga had a gun to our backs. We're caught red handed stealing money and information from a well known rapper in LA. 

"Drop the bags and the phone slowly and come sit your ass down!" 

I slowly turned around facing him and forced a suductive smile onto my face biting my bottom lip softly. Trying to shade my fear with my sexual advances. I quickly thought of a plan to get us out of this tight situation.

"I invited my friend over to have a little fun with us baby put the gun down and relax." I bat my eyes innocently.

"Shut the fuck up!" He laughed shaking his head " Nice try bitch... the games are over I'm on to you the reign of Sheneka Adams and the disasters you've left behind in your trail lead me right  to you, There's a bounty on your head you aint know?" Joe spat

I just stood there in shock has my past finally caught up to me? Is this the end of my career or my life?

Joe motioned the gun to the left and Chyna went to his side showing me that this was a set up. I stared that bitch dead in the eyes, refusing to break eye contact with her as she made her way across the room. I can't believe this, my ride or die my main bitch the chick who taught me how to work a pole, and all about the game had set me up. This is why you can't trust bitches, they will be your bestfriend in your face but the jealousy will have them planning your demise. The nurve of the bitch if Joe didn't have that gun pointed at me I swear I'd pull that fucking wig right off of her big ass head. 

Chyna looked at me while placing a piece of gum into her mouth while smiling. 

" Surprised?" she said taking the gun from Joe so he could grab a duffle bag he had hidden underneath the bed.

From the looks of it it looked as if Chyna was the head of this operation. I couldn't wrap my head around why or how this shit could happen. I never trusted ANYONE but Chyna,  even worst she was the one who taught me never to trust an industry bitch. I'd never forget what she told me on my first day at King of Diamonds Strip Club before I went out on stage for my first dance, I was nervous as hell and she suggested that I take a hit of cocaine. I was so uncomfortable and nervous that I was despereate for some sort of direction and she gave it to me. As I went out on stage and danced to the music her words ran through my mind like a record on repeat.

You just have to think, these niggas are tricks they came here to spend money, wether you earn it or take it is up to you. 

You can be the type of bitch who earns it by following a trick around all night doing lapdances for a meesly ass $20 , or you can be the bitch that TAKES the cash.

And what I mean by that is you make them WANT to give you their money, be everything they want but they know they can't have to the point where they want to buy your attention, be forbidden.

Don't trust these bitches they are wild animals when it comes to money as soon as they see you rising to the top they'll do anything to drag your ass down.

Who would of thought she'd be the bitch dragging me down.

Joe came back with a chair and forced me to sit down I faught but to my surprise he was stronger than he looked. I looked at him and tried to catch eye contact but he refused to let that happen. For once in my life I couldn't find a way out. I watched as Joe placed pliers, duct tape, electrical wires, an iron and a towel out of the bag and onto the bed. 

"Why all of this? like what the fuck! Is it money you want? I have that just name your price!" I yelled  in desperation.

"I want my fucking title back that's what I want hoe. I had to sit back and watch you take my spot in the game, fucking niggas and making money left and right while i played wing woman when I'm the bitch that taught you everything you know!" 

"I thought we were friends... I thought you were my sister! I can't believe this shit Chy!" I yelled in frustration I was more hurt then anything else, I would of never imagined this shit not even in my wildest fucking nightmares. My best friend had turned her back on me all for a title. 

" Friends? HA!" she giggled popping her gum and circling around my chair.

"Bitch what I tell you about that word? There aint no friends in the lifestlye we live. It's a dog eat dog world.. better yet a bitch eat bitch world, and I must say right now you're looking pretting appetizing." She kissed my lips softly and touched the side of my face. I turned my face away from her .

"Don't you fucking touch me you back stabbing bitch.. I should -"

"You should what?! huh? you're tied up and states away from home." She laughed. 

Kneeling down to my level Joe looked me in my eyes. I looked deep into his and what I saw was a lost man, a man with nothing left but his last resort. My heart dropped anticipating the words that would leave his lips and make their way into my head.

"You took everything from me. My career, my girl, my money, my reputation, EVERYTHING!!! Now, I'm going to take everyhting away from you!!" he screamed into my face.

I shook in complete fear and began to cry without even knowing, the tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. Chyna began to laugh and handed him the gun. 

"Go to work daddy." She said softly as she kissed him on his cheek and sat on the bed to watch. Joe looked at the gun smiled and hit me across the head with it.

I could feel the blood leaving the wound and trailing down my the side of my face and into my mouth, the taste of my blood made my heart slow down. They were going to torture me, I would of never imagined that this was the way I was going to die, not by the hands of my best friend and a spiteful trick. I know I had done some fucked up things in the past but never enough for someone to want me dead over, and a bounty on my head? I mean how much is my life really worth to these niggas? 

My sight began to go in and out it was beginning to get harder and harder for me to keep my eyes open and stay concious. In my uncoscious sleep I began to back track on what got me here and how it all began.

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