Part 17: Repetition

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Crawling into her hospital bed I couldn’t help but to cry, so much was going on in my life and my bestfriend wasn’t there to guide me through it.  As selfish as it sounds I needed her to wake up for me, so I couldn’t feel so numb and empty on the inside anymore, so she could tell me who did this to her and I could plot revenge. I wanted to hear her call my name and tell me how much she loved me, anything even a whimper from her lips would satisfy me I needed to know she was still with me. I had spent the past three hours venting and talking to her despite her condition. I was cut off from everything outside of the hospital walls my phone was off and I told the doctor’s if anyone called to tell them I wasn’t there. I wanted to be alone, away from the chaos of my new hectic lifestyle. Just being in her presence placed me in a better mood, her energy beamed as if she was still functioning normally.  I wiped my tears with the end of my hoodie sleeve and sniffled leaning up in the bed making sure not to hurt her lifeless body, her usually vibrant tan skin was now flushed and washed out, her hair wasn’t as shiny as it would usually be because of the lack of moisturizer they put into her hair. The girl that was lying beside me wasn’t Gabbie, she had left the moment the baby did, a part of me feels like she’s mourning her miscarriage so she refuses to wake up to avoid the heartache. Whatever the case was it’s been well over a month and she still hasn’t woken up and I was beginning to get impatient and worried, I wasn’t sure how much longer I was going to be able to afford her hospital bills, but I would surely make a way.

A light knock on the door threw me out of my moment and took my attention away from everything that was trailing through my mind. A young nurse poked her head into the room with a look of fear on her face, she stepped inside of the room and began to twittle her thumbs nervously before speaking.

“Hi Ms. Sheneka your husband is here to see you I know you told me no visitor but I figured since it’s our husband.” Her voice shook as she spoke to me, I could tell  she was still afraid of  me ever since I had to put my hands on her because of her attitude the day of Gabbie’s operation.

“I don’t have a husband tell whoever it is to go away.” I said coldly turning back to Gabbie, I didn’t give a second thought as to who it was posing as my husband to see me but this was my time to get away from the world and who ever it was could wait.

“Uhhh, that’s the thing he told me you would say that and he was pretty adimate about seeing you.” She stepped forward as if to plead with me, she fondled with the pockets on her uniform.

“That’s what you have security for. Close the door on your way out.” I shot taking Gabbie’s hand into mine, I looked at her acrylic and smiled lightly at how terrible they looked. Gabbie would go crazy if she knew her nails looked like this. I thought to myself before hearing commotion from the other side of the room’s door. From the sounds of it I could hear a man getting into it with one of the nurses assuming it was the mysterious man pretending to be my husband I grab my CELINE’ purse and place my hand on my gun ready to pull it out if necessary.

My heart dropped at the sight of Khleo walking into the room towards me I stood in shock as if I was looking at a ghost. He looked as good as ever wearing his usual get up a black snap back from his clothing line, a black t-shirt, with a gold pendant of a small microphone hanging around his neck , a pair of crouch shorts, and Jordans.

“I’m so sorry Miss he just didn’t take no for an answer do you want me to call security?” The timid nurse asked.

“No.” Khleo and I both said simultaneously forcing a smile to come across my face. “No, it’s fine thanks for trying your best.” I said softly dismissing her and placing my purse back on the ground.

“What are you doing here?” I asked looking at him, he stood with a smile on his face pulling up a chair beside me.

“Been having fun lately?” He asked coldly leaning back into his chair clenching his jaw.


“Just for once let me speak alright?” She raised his voice frustrated, I closed my mouth tightly and looked at him figuring that with all the shit I put him through the least I could do is hear him out.

“Did you have anything to do with Lil’ Wayne’s safe getting robbed?” He asked with a look of concern on his face, my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach the moment his name left his lips. My hands began shaking uncontrollably immediately wondering where the hell he even got that idea or information from.

“You need to go.” I spoke confidently but on the inside I was terrified.

“Coco has been running around town telling people that you and some broad named Angie had something to do with his shit being robbed. At first I didn’t believe her but after thinking about it, you did have all that money the night we got into it, and honestly I don’t give a fuck but I just need to know.”

Hearing Coco’s name made my blood boil, how the fuck did she know about that night? I never spoke a soul and I know damn sure Angie didn’t either since that would put her lavish baller lifestyle to a complete stop if Michael was to get dropped from the label. Since I began stripping at the club every things negative that happened in my life was revolved around Coco besides Gabbie’s shooting which I was beginning to believe had something to do with her also. I was fed up with her shit, and I was ready to see her bleed. I’ve been wanting to blame someone for what happened to Gabbie and whether Coco had anything to do with it or not she was going to be the one who reaped the consequences.

“I didn’t have anything to do with that, you know me Khleo. I have to go I’ll call you.” I lied with a straight face standing up and grabbing my purse quickly causing the chrome .45 pistol to fall out. I quickly grab it and place it back into my purse. Khleo looked at me and shook his head slightly before standing up out of his chair and leaving the room. Everything I had just told him was proved to be a lie the moment my gun fell out, I knew that he was hurt but I couldn’t help but to be relieved hoping that maybe now he would stay away from me, I needed him to be safe because shit was about to get messy. I was on a mission to shut Coco up, and the way I was thinking it was going to be for good.


“We don’t have a choice but to run up in her shit and scare the living shit out of her and force her to keep her mouth shut!” I yelled out in frustration it seems as if Angie wasn’t understanding the seriousness in the situation like I was, if this information was to get back to Wayne rumor or not we would be done.

“Okay, okay let me just think Nene damn relax.” She shot back at me with an attitude. “If running up in her shit is what you want to do then that’s what we’ll do aright? Just don’t get trigger happy once we’re in there the last thing we need is a murder on or hands.”

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my gun off of the table before standing up and putting it in the back of my tight pants concealing it under my pink YMCMB hoodie.

“Let’s go.” I said coldly just wanting to get the entire thing over with, I could tell that was taken aback by my attitude but this was my life that Coco was playing with and I wasn’t willing to lose it or have it fucked up because some jealous bitch wants to be petty.

“Right now? It’s broad daylight you’re trippin.” She leaned back in her seat and folded her arms as if to test my patience.

“You know you’re finding every excuse in the book not to go and confront her is there something you need to tell me? I mean this bitch is running round town telling people that we robbed YOUR mans boss and you’re chilling like its not that big of a deal.” I was angry at the entire situation especially since I was guilted into doing the robbery in the first place, now that everything was beginning to back frie in my face I was starting to not give a damn about anyones well being but my own.

“No what I’m trying to do is stop your stupid ass from making a big mistake by going into that bitches house with NO plan Nene! Look at you right now are you even thinking?” She yelled jumping up out of her seat gesturing to my gun.

Unfazed by anything she just said I just stood and looked at her and began to recite the exact words she said to me on the day I agreed to rob the owner of Young Money’s safe.

“Do you trust me?” 

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