Part 9: Trust Me?

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Girls Girls Girls by Jayz echoed throughout me and Gabbie’s two bedroom apartment, I rapped out loud as I rampaged my closet looking through my CELINE’ bag full of different bikinis and bathing suits.

“I got this Spanish chica, she don't like me to roam

So she call me cabron plus marricon

Said she likes to cook rice so she likes me home

I'm like, "Un momento" - mami, slow up your tempo

I got this black chick, she don't know how to act

Always talkin out her neck, makin her fingers snap

She like, Listen Jigga Man, I don't care if you rap

You better - R-E-S-P-E-C-T me

I got this French chick that love to french kiss

She thinks she's Bo Derek, wear her hair in a twist!”

I seriously have a fucking problem yo. I thought to myself giggling trying to untangle all the different sets and colors. “UGH!” I yelled out in frustration my nerves were completely shot, I still couldn’t believe that Chy had invited me to one of Lil’ Wayne’s pool party I wanted to look the best and be the baddest bitch in there I can’t go around one of the biggest rappers in the game right now and not make a lasting impression.  Glancing over at my blunt from earlier I decided to light it to hold on to the little bit of high I had from the coke inhaling the weed deep I shut my eyes and let the drug invade my lungs.

Weed was a different kind of high compared to coke it made me think more; while coke made me not think at all I just acted and reacted. Every problem or issue I had going on in my life weed made me think of a valid solution that I wouldn’t even think of sober, I saw the world for what it could be rather than what it was. I was grateful to be alive maybe even blessed coke made me feel lucky to be alive, I saw the world for what it was hell and only the strong and powerful survived while the other stood by and watched. We praise the powerful and wealthy ones not even thinking that they weren’t randomly selected to be famous, rich, and liked they worked for it and so can we. 

Deciding on a leopard print bikini with blue trim that just barely completely covered my 34 D breast I lather my body with sun screen and spray on “eau de parfum” my favorite Coco Chanel perfume, finishing it off with a gold body chain. Admiring myself in the mirror everything about me screamed sexy and I was itching to make a name for myself. The sound of my phone vibrating against my wood dresser alerted me that someone was calling, it was Chy. “Bitch I’m outside hurry up!” She exclaimed into the phone the sound of Tyga’s song faded drowned out her voice. Grabbing my bag before hanging up and throwing on a pair of low rise denim shorts that barely covered my ass and flip flops. I race towards the door trying my best to leave before Gabbie could notice I was gone, I was trying to avoid another argument with her.


Chyna let the top down on her car and the wind swam through our hair as we hit the highway on our way to the party. I looked over at her and smiled admiring her all white skin tight one piece bathing suit and 50’s inspired sunglasses. She was the definition of a bad bitch in its truest form she was confident, driven, street smart, and a leader. “You talk to your boy Khle?” She stated laughing a little shooting her a dirty look I replied, “No he texted me a few times but I’m over it and him.” I lied through my teeth of course I wasn’t over him not just yet there was so much I didn’t get to find out about Khleo, he was an open book that I only got to read three pages off and it bothered me. I had to play it cool as if he meant nothing to me for her because I knew how she felt about him being a “D-list” celebrity compared to the people she surrounds herself with. Shaking her head in approval “Exactly fuck that nigga soon you’ll be sitting around niggas that are actually relevant right now!” She laughed aloud as we pulled up to a gated community punching in a code the gates opened slowly introducing us to the beautiful mansions outside of Miami. “Damn.” I whispered to myself admiring all the beautifully manicured lawns and three story mansions all around us, even the people looked different than the ones in the city, they even walked as if they had money. After 15 minutes of driving through the neighborhood we pulled up to the last house Chyna parked and adjusted her bathing suit top in the mirror I did the same and smiled satisfied. “Ready?” She asked getting out of the car. “Yeah.” I said.

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