Part 18: Game Changer

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Angie and I sat outfront of Coco’s house in the one of many cars that Michael had shoved in the back of the garage. I was impressed by the size and location of it, it sat right outside of the beach in a quiet neighborhood known for its majority of white residents.

“What the hell is she doing in a neighborhood like this?” I asked myself outloud.

“I told you her old ass been stripping for a minute now, plus all those baby daddies got child support.” She giggled at her own joke and tapped my arm pointing to Coco’s garage door opening for her car, she was finally home and apparently so was someone else. I stared her down as she sashayed into her driveway wearing a pair of yoga pants, and a wife beater her hair was tied up into a high bun I was relieved to see that she didn’t have her kids in the car with her.

“Alright no kids, so we’re set.” Angie said reading my mind while she grabbed her gun.

“Whoever it is that opened the garage for her you make sure doesn’t move a muscles, I’ll handle Coco and while we’re there we mind as well get paid so I’ll make sure she opens the safe.” I coached Angie on the plan who just nodded agreeing with the plan.

“Just make sure you stick to your own plan Nene the last thing we need is some bullshit going down.”

“Yeah, I get it Ang.” I said jumping out of the car with her following right behind me, I planted my  Jordans on the welcome mat and banged on the door as if I was the police. “Hold on mother fucker Damn!” I could hear Coco scream from the other side of the door, she swung it open with a fierce attitude and her jaw dropped at the sight of Angie and I. We both raised our guns in sync and stepped into the house without acceptance from Coco.

“Long time no see huh Coco?” I smiled closing the door behind me. She twisted up her face and placed her hand on her hip.

“Am I supposed to be afraid of you two bitches or somethin’?” She asked rolling her neck as she pointed her long acrylic nails at our guns. Ang looked over at me and gave me a look as if to say ‘I told you so’. Disregarding her bad timing to rub it in my face that she was right I cocked my gun.  “We need to talk, you should have a seat.” I said pushing her forcing her to go into the living room and have a seat on the couch. She sat down and crossed her legs elegantly trying her best to prove to us that she wasn’t the least bit afraid. Angie made her way upstairs in search for the mysterious person who opened the garage for Coco when she pulled up.

“So word around town is you’re planting rumors about me and Chy being the ones who robbed Wanye’s safe.  And before you try to lie remember which one of us has the gun.”

“It’s hardly a rumor bitch, just be happy I haven’t had time to tell Wayne yet because he was my next stop, matter of fact.” She grabbed her phone from off of the table and began to dial on it. Before she had a chance to finish his phone number I shot the couch pillow that sat beside her. She jumped out of terror and sat back in her seat all the confidence she just had going out of the window.

“Next time I won’t miss! Bitch I’m trying to be nice but you’re fucking it up now are you willing to shut your fucking mouth about the robbery or not?!” I yelled angry, I wasn’t in the mood for her smart comebacks and attitude all I wanted was to be reassured that she would no longer run her mouth about the robbery.

Coco laughed and stood up from her seat slowly. “You come in here with your gun and your partner in crime but you don’t even know who the fuck she is.. Ever wonder where Angie was the night of your little friends shooting? Did you get a call? A text? A visit?” My hands began to shake refusing to believe anything she was saying, I held the gun tight in my hand and began to breathe heavier. The pieces to the puzzle were finally getting put together, but why? Gabbie has never done anything to make her want her dead they’ve only seen each other once.

“You’re lying.” I said in between tears still holding the gun up towards her.

“Oh come the fuck on Nene you’re way smarter than that, don’t let her trap you in her web like she did all the others you’re ready to shoot the wrong bitch. Everytime a new bitch comes into the club they ‘re like prey to her she turns them on to coke, makes them do her dirty work and when shit gets too real she bails on them. ” She spoke confidently never missing a beat in her story line, now it began to make sense as to why she was so overly nice to me my first night at the club. Did Angela try to murder my bestfriend, is she the person behind the downward spiral in my life?

The foot steps of Angie making her way downstairs forced me to turn around, she had a a bag full of money and a huge smile on her face. “I found the cash no one upstairs though, must have been an automatic remote or some sh—“ She stopped in the middle of her words once she saw the gun  I had pointed at her, her mouth dropped speechless. All I saw was red it was like something had snapped inside of me and I was out for blood, nothing anyone said or did could change me from the deadly daze I was in.

“One of you isn’t going to make it out of this house today.”

I gestured for Angie to sit down on the couch beside Coco but instead she pulled out her gun and shot her square in the middle of her forehead. No reaction to the sound of the gun or anything she didn’t even flinch, she was unfazed by the fact that she just killed another human being. Coco’s head flew back onto the couch with so much force that her body fell limp onto the carpet, blood and brain matter sprayed all over the wall.

“Aaaaaah!! What the fuck!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs to Angie, I felt as if I was in a dream that I would do anything to wake up from. I just witnessed a murder with my own two eyes. Now that I saw what Angie was capable of it proved two things to me, that she was in fact the person who shot Gabbie, and that if I wanted to be able to get revenge on her I was going to have to do it in time. The game had just changed for me, and I was no longer the player but the coach.

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