part 4: Earn it or Take it

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Walking passed VIP all eyes were on me strippers and men. I felt a tug on my arm; an older white guy smiled showing all of his teeth with the exception of more than a few missing.

"Mmm fresh meat, come on over here and earn this twenty baby." he said grinning fanning himself with the stack of cash he had.

"I don't work here yet daddy I'm sorry." I whispered seductively slowly taking the twenty out of his hand. "But I owe you one." I winked and walked off making sure I give him a show as I walk away.

The owner met me at the door staring me up and down. "That shit you just did, that was some real nigga shit." He smirked and led me into his office where he had a huge fish tank installed into the wall. Everything inside of his office looked expensive; I took a seat and admired the marble desk and beautiful African paintings he had placed on the walls. He held out his hand for a hand shake and introduced himself. "I'm Jacob, and you must be Sheneka." He said smiling politely. I firmly shook his hand and took a seat.

I must admit when I think of the owner of a strip club, the first thing that comes to mind is an ex pimp with gold teeth, an annoying southern accent, and a top hat. Maybe I've watched too many re-runs of 'The Players Club, but either way Jacob was in his own league from head to toe he screamed business. He was built heavy towering over my 5'4 frame he felt like a giant but only stood at 5'10.

"Wow those are beautiful." I looked around at the paintings on the wall in disbelief.

Damn, I know the strippers make a lot of money here but I never thought of the kind of money the owner was racking in, this nigga was living the luxurious life, behind his huge chair there was a gold frame about five foot in length that had him pictured with different celebs from Jay-Z  to  Amber Rose.  I must have looked like a kid in a candy store because the sound of him chuckling broke me out of my trance.

Placing his arms on his desk he showed off his thick gold watch drowned with diamonds.The gold rings and Jewelry seemed to compliment his dark chocolate skin tone, I smiled admiring his ego.  "So I've been hearing a lot about you from my boy Twan." He said leaning back into his chair admiring my legs. I felt as if I could feel his eyes trailing my body like a map, and my pussy was the marked the spot.

 "All good things I hope." I replied opening and re-crossing my legs slowly.

 "Yeah, good shit. I saw what you did there." He laughed standing up. "Look you don't gotta do all that to get the job, I'm cut from a different cloth don't call yourself trying to seduce me, I'm not one of these niggas in here. I'm about my money nothing else, aiight?" He said in a mellow tone never raising his voice.

 I nodded in acceptance, and shifted in my seat a little. I was speechless, and a bit offended. But I must admit there is something sexy about a man about his paper.

 Damn, this nigga is really about his business. I guess when you're around ass, tiddies, and pussy everyday all-day you learn to get immune to the bullshit that us bitches throw at you to get our way.

"Alright good, so there's one thing I need you to do in order for me to make my decision on hiring you or not.” He looked me directly in the eyes. “Why stripping? is it to get back at an ex-boyfriend? Make your mother mad? Warrants?" he asked intertwining his fingers together.

"Last resort to be honest." I replied looking straight back at him. I had something to prove.

If there was any other time for me to be honest and straight to the point it's now, I have no sob story for him, Shit I don't even have a five year plan. I'm the type of person that lives in the moment and right now at this moment in time I'm broke and I need money. Once I get that all my plans and dreams will fall into place because lets be real you can't do SHIT without money.

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