Part 22: KING

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I layed my head in the nook of Aubrey’s arm, my legs rested across his lap as we shared a large and comfortable recliner seat inside of the jet. He stroked the side of my arm up and down softly relaxing my mind about being on an airplane. It had been a while since I even stepped foot on one, and that was a commercial flight being on such a tiny plane well jet really had my nerves shot, so much could go wrong. His security guards Bo and Tess played on the play station as the plane took off, I examined how calm and collected they were about the flight and realized that maybe it wasn’t that serious.  My tense body was quickly relaxing, so I decided to send Khleo a text message.

(Sent to Khleo <3) Going to LA for 2 weeks for a few interviews and photoshoot keep an eye on Gabbie for me, when I get back we need to talk.. I love you

“No phones, these two weeks are labeled as vacation for you.” He said taking the phone out of my hand and placing it into the cup holder of the seat. “I know how it feels to always be looking out for everyone else but for once babe, just worry about you I’m sure your friend will be alright,” He said sweetly, I had almost forgot that I told him about Gabbie on one of our drunken nights after the club. I wanted to protest and put up a fight with him but it sounded way too good to pass up. He was right, two weeks without my phone wouldn’t hurt I was going to LA where all the celebrities came to work and play and as weird as it sounded, I was one of them.

“OUR vacation,” I emphasized kissing him pulling on his bottom lip gently with my teeth.

He smiled and cuffed my ass gently repeating me in between a smirk “Our vacation.”

I had completely zoned out forgetting that we were accompanied by his two body guards and began to stroke his manhood through his pants. His tongue danced inside of my mouth as his grip on my ass became tighter. My palace began to flood from the sexual energy that was beaming from him, he had a control over me sexually that no one ever had before I was sprung off of his dick and proud of it. I slid my hand up his shirt and held onto his torso bringing him closer to me, parting our lips he touched the side of my face and gazed into my eyes.

A loud shutter sound from a camera came from his body guards phone. I look at Aubrey then at him waiting for his reaction. Bo smiled and showed him the photo of the two of us hugged up looking into eachother’s eyes.

“Kodak moment I had to.” Bo the large guard chuckled showing me the photo, I didn’t want a photo of the two of us hugged up to run across Khleo but I knew Aubrey and that’s where it was headed straight to instagram.

“Naw, naw it’s cool put it on my instagram with the caption. ‘finally est.2012’ “ He smiled and kissed my head. Bo nodded his head and sat back down to play the game and post the photo.


“You alright?” I asked getting back to the way he suddently stopped kissing me just to look into my eyes.

“I’m just looking.” He smiled sweetly and kissed me again before leaning back on the couch. I couldn’t help but to blush, he had a way with words on and off the mic.


It was my first time seeing Aubrey’s home and it was just as I imagined beautiful expensive furniture and paintings everywhere. I was surprised to learn that he also had a thing for artwork as I did, we had more in common than I would have liked to admit. His room was huge, but very personal that I wasn’t too surprised by he was a personal and relatable type of guy. Almost immediately I felt at home, strolling around by myself taking in my new place for the next two weeks.

“Where’s the bathroom?” I asked him from the other room, there were so many rooms and it was so large that I lost my self.

“One should be straight down and to your right.” He yelled from the other room.

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