Part 23: I'm Ready

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“Gimme a kiss before you go.” Aubrey said grabbing me by the arm as I reached for his large gold door pulling me back towards him. I turned my face each time me went in for a kiss causing his lips to land on my cheek each time. “Stop playing.” He laughed grabbing my face and kissing me on the lips.

“You don’t hate me do you? About my decision?” I asked closing the door behind me leaving Angie outside to wait. The day after the shoot Aubrey held my hand through the abortion, I know it killed him to watch me play God and have something we both created aborted. He was a real man and as odd and fucked up as it sounds that’s when I realized I loved him. He was always so eager and willing to put my feelings, thoughts, and well-being before his own. Yes I loved Aubrey endlessly but I was in love with Khleo and those are two completely different feelings.

“We don’t have to talk about it anymore babe, I have plenty of time to get you knocked up again anyway so I’m not trippin.” He smiled pinching my stomach. I couldn’t help but to laugh at him, nomatter what he always looked to the brighter side of things always so hopeful and understanding. I felt the warmest sensation in the pit of my heart, I knew what the feeling was but for the entire week we’ve been in LA I’ve been trying to avoid it.

“I love you Aubrey.” He paused and looked into my eyes before planting a kiss on my forehead, something he had done many times before but this time it was different. This time I felt a bolt of electricity leave his lips and shoot through every vessel and limb on my body.

“I love you too girl.” I slipped him a sealed envelope inside was a letter I wrote.

“Don’t read it unless I’m not home by 3am, promise me”

“Why wouldn’t you come back home?” He asked with a sincere look on confusion and worry plastered on his face.

“Aubrey promise me.” I repeated touching the side of his face, I wasn’t sure if it would be the last time I ever got to see or speak to him or not but I wanted to make sure that if I went down so did she. I found it odd that she would just pop up in LA just because her and Michael broke up, there was something else bringing her here and I was sure that tonight was the night I found out what.



“There he is right there in VIP, with his girl Kaylin.” Angie said pointing her long acrylic up to the top floor of the packed nightclub. It had taken me a good two hours to talk Aubrey into letting me go out to the club, between him still being in his feelings about being pregnant and me asking to go without any body guards he wasn’t in the best place about it.

I looked up at the section where Joe Budden was seated and rolled my eyes at him, I wasn’t too sure about this entire thing. I had a run in with Tahiry briefly one night at one of Angie’s kick backs and things quickly went south, words were said and eventually shit turned physical. Apparently Joe had a verse about me in a song of his named ‘KOD’ and assuming the worst Tahiry automatically thought he stepped out of their relationship and fucked me; she couldn’t have been any further from the truth I had never met Joe and didn’t know or hear of his song until after the fight between her and I. Thankfully no one from outside of our circle was there so the incident never had a chance to reach the media, although shortly after I heard Joe and Tahiry broke up for good once again and he was with a young Zumba instructor named Kaylin Garcia.

“I see him, so what’s the plan? His little girlfriend is lingering around what am I supposed to do?” I asked confused and ready to get this shit over with.

“Kaylin is bisexual and has always had a thing for me and since Joe made that little song about you being his fantasy bitch you should get him.” I scoffed and shook my head making my way upstairs.

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