Part 10: A Familiar Voice

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                I sat at the open bar and played around with a shot in my hand thinking of what I had just agreed to do. Keeping my purse close to my side I had one hand against it as it hung off of my shoulder, I felt like everyone could see right through my purse. Paranoid doesn’t even begin to explain my feelings at that moment, even though I had the gun for protection I just couldn’t shake the feeling of pure terror.  I always had a habit of agreeing to do things without thinking of the consequences but 25,000 dollars sounded really good to me. I had dreamed of a life where I wouldn’t want for anything living lavishly and comfortably twenty-five thousand dollars was a lot of money. This nigga makes 200 thousand just for showing up at events he can make this back by partying at a club, I would have to shake my ass for months if I’m lucky to make this kind of money. Take from the rich and give to the poor right? I thought.

 I was so nervous and focused on my thoughts that I didn’t even notice Drake slip into the seat next to me until he grabbed my seat and scooted it closer to him. “A lot on your mind or is this party just boring you?” He said with a slight smile on his face, I was a bit tipsy and so focused on the dangerous task that I was about to take that his celebrity didn’t even faze me. “A little bit of both.” I stated gesturing the bartender to give me another shot without looking into Drake’s direction. When the bartender came back with my drink Drake took it and slid it behind him forcing me to pay attention to him. “Look, all I want to do is sit here sip on a few drink and enjoy the lovely atmosphere alright?” I hissed at him standing up out of my chair adjusting my top. Following my move he cheesed showing his infamous smile standing up out of his. “Damn, I saw you as soon as you walked in noticed you were sitting here alone while your girl and Michael were over there with us so I decided to see what was up.” He stated standing infront of me blocking my pathway to the house.

 Placing my hand on my hip I notice the amount of females around us watching our every move with looks of envy on their faces I smirk and shake my head. “Look around you, almost every chick in here looks like they were ripped from the pages of KING magazine yet you’re over here –“ he cut me off placing his hand on my shoulder softly stepping closer, so close I could smell the Ciroc coming from his lips as he spoke I looked at him surprised at how consistent and forward he was being. “Exactly but I’m talking to you.” For a second I was caught up in his witty comeback but I had to stay focused on the task, and for some reason I just wasn’t feeling the vibe I was getting from him. “It was nice talking to you.” I hissed as I pushed passed him leaving him standing alone I switched away slowly to show him the thing he would never get turning around to see if he was watching I noticed a flock of girls surrounding him. Pssh, groupies. I thought as I stepped foot inside the mansion. The party was about 2 hours in and no one was inside of the house but me and a few others that were sitting in what looked like a game room playing cards, their loud drunken shots they were throwing at eachother echoed through out the 3 thousand square foot house.

I pulled my purse closer to me as I tiptoed up the stairs thanking God that I wore flipflops compared to loud heels that would just click clack against his marble steps. It felt as if I was walking up the stairs forever before I finally hit the long hallway. Looking behind me making sure no one else was up stairs I was relieved to see that I didn’t hear or see anyone else upstairs. “Fourth door on the left.” I whispered making my way to the room where the safe was held. I could no longer hear the people from downstairs playing cards or the music as I walked into the spare room closing he door behind me I grab the scarf from out of my purse and placed it over my right hand as I walked through the room looking around amazed at how big and beautiful it was. With a huge 50 inch flat screen TV mounted on the wall infront of a huge king sized bed with a gold bed frame, that has a huge mirror over the bed. I continued to look around and immediantly my blood began to boil this wasn’t  a spare bedroom this was the master bedroom WAYNE’S bedroom. I shook my head in disbelief taking in all the dressers and doors around me that lead to maybe bathrooms and closets. “I can’t believe this bitch!” I whispered my breathing began to become heavier as I stood against the wall trying to think of my next move. Okay okay Sheneka think, you’re already in here now you mind as well go through with it and let that bitch have it after maybe even ask for a bigger cut. I thought as I began to breathe slower balling my hands into fist I slowly walked over to the gold plaque that held a platinum disk for the song “Bed rock” I notice Tyga in the group picture under the disk and suck my teeth as I slowly take it down off of the wall.

Revealing a silver digital safe inside of the wall I exhale slowly and look at the numbers lined up from 0 to 9 then a pound sign. “032409” The safe beeped with two red lights indicating that I had placed in the wrong code. Fuck what was the code??? Okay so it’s not 032409, 022309? I thought to myself  punching it in making sure the scarf was secure around my index fingers making sure my prints wouldn’t be left behind. Once again the red lights were shown I exhaled and began to get nervous. I gotta get back downstairs, what the fuck were the numbers?

A light bulb went off inside of my head and I punch in ‘022409’ the green lights finally lit across the top of the safe and it swung open without me touching it. My eyes grew in satisfaction when I laid eyes on the neatly stacked wads of cash that were placed inside of the safe along with papers and black velvet bags that I assumed were diamonds. “Damn.” I whispered my pussy began to get wet as I placed stack after stack into my purse swiftly I was ready to get out this room this HOUSE and fast. I was moving so fast I lost count of how many I had put into my purse before I heard a woman giggling from down the hall I stop in my tracks and listen closely. “Babeeee come on let me taste it.” A female voiced cooed I closed the safe and zipped up my purse quickly trying to put the plaque back on the wall but this time it seemed heavier than before. Come on, come on!! I thought to myself  the voice got closer to the door and finally it sat on the wall as it did before creeping into the bathroom to hide I heard the room door open, I could hear my heart beating through my chest as I looked through the bathroom door crack to see Wayne throwing a girl onto the bed as he took his pants down.

I rolled my eyes and watched as the girl pulled him onto his bed and began to have sex with him. Thankful that they were both too busy to even have a suspicion that I was inside of the room I began to walk around the bathroom looking for a way out digging in my purse searching for my phone through the money I feel the metal of the gun and it sends a shiver down my body. At the same moment I reached for my phone to text Chy I hear a knock on the bedroom door walking back to the cracked bathroom door I watched as Wayne got up frustrated wrapping the blanket around his waist leaving the girl naked on the bed. I grabbed the gun and swallowed my spit waiting for the person on the other end of the door to be revealed. “Yo Wayne you gotta get downstairs we got a few bitches down there getting naked and all types of shit.” I heard Tyga say a sigh of relief left my lips happy to hear a familiar voice. “Man, I’m kind of busy with some pussy of my own.” Wayne replied pointing at the bitch in his head spread eagle waiting for him to dive back in. “Man fuck that bitch come and enjoy your party bruh.” Tyga exclaimed smiling rubbing his hands together, Wayne relunctantly threw his pants back on and and brushed his dreds out of his face as he left the room without saying so much of a word to the girl. Tyga glanced over to the bathroom as he walked into the room while the girl was climbing out of bed, she followed his eyes and saw me she opened her mouth to scream and before she could even think to let out one Tyga covered her mouth. Running over to the girl I held the gun up to her head. The thought that this bitch could possibly be the one to get in between me and 25k made me turn into a different woman a ruthless one, and although I had no intentions on using it I knew I had to scare her into not speaking on what she saw, even if it was nothing. 


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