Chapter 1 ~ The Newbie in School

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Ally's POV

It was just another day of stupid school. School was supposed to be for education, but now it's just a place where people judge you and the cliques don't mix. School must be great for the popular kids. Always getting what they want, never having to work, and they somehow always have rich parents. And everyone in the popular cliques are never single. They must have an easy life... but I would never know. My kind of clique doesn't exist. I'm not into drama, or math, and I'm certainly not popular or athletic. There aren't any other normal people in this school. Why did my mom have to get a job in a different continent. I liked my life before. Before everything changed. I'm not blaming my mom or anything. But I always wonder what could have been.

As I walked through the halls, I could hear the whispers of everybody as I passed them. Even though I can't quite hear what they're saying, I can just tell that they're judging me in more ways than one. I always got the short end of the stick. Either, I was always the last to know. It would be fine, but whenever I find out, it's always too late. Or maybe, I'm always last pick in gym class... stupid gym class. Maybe I was just bullied. People always found a new way to make my life miserable.

~~Bell rings~~

I make my way to class. There were tons of seats, but every time I came near one, someone put their bag on the chair. I didn't even do anything to deserve this. At least I'm used to it now. There were two seats left in the very back. I sat down, and class started. The teacher started talking, but I just tuned him out. I love my teachers, but they can be so boring at times. All of a sudden, this guy just sits at the desk next to mine. I looked at him... I've never seen him before. No wonder he doesn't mind sitting next to me. The teacher must have been telling everybody about this new student. Shoot, what's his name? "Alison!" the teacher shouted. I sat up straight and directed my attention to the teacher. "Will you show Jack around school at lunch?"

'Now why would I do that? When do I eat?' I thought, but I just nodded in response. 'So I guess his name is Jack' He looked at me with warm, welcoming smile. I tried to smile, but it just wouldn't happen. He looked deep into my eyes, as I did the same, and I didn't listen for the rest of the class. I just thought about him. How he was different. He didn't judge me, he didn't shun me... Or am I just jumping the gun? No. I could tell, it was in his pale blue eyes. The last time I've seen eyes like that was when I last saw my dad. It was right before he got on the plane for his international conference. His plane flew into a surprise storm and he died. I've missed him ever since. Somehow I always knew he would be looking over me until I met him up in heaven. I mean he wasn't doing a very good job.

Jack's POV

I took a seat next to this girl in the back of the classroom. I looked deep into her beautiful brown eyes and saw nothing but sadness. I can already tell that she had a traumatizing experience and has no one to vent to. She has a tough exterior, but soon, she's gonna crack. I just know she just needs a shoulder to cry on. And I am going to make it my goal, to be that shoulder. For the rest of the class, I didn't listen to the teacher. This girl, Alison I presume, is going to show me around at lunch. That is when I'll get to know her. No one should be alone in this world. I know, I know, it's none of my business, but my mission is already set.

~~Time Skip~~

Ally's POV

"Okay, so this is the first floor. Those are the washrooms, that's the cafeteria, and right there's the office." I explained. This is so boring! Showing the new kid around school. "And if you ever get lost, just follow the room numbers."

"Thanks for showing me around." the boy thanked, his cheerful smile growing bigger.

"Well, it's not like I had a choice." I replied a little annoyed. His smile immediately vanished.

"You could've said no."

"And risk getting another detention?" I laughed. "I don't think so." He smiled once again.

"Again? Why have you been in detention? Do I detect a bad girl?" He smirked.

"Mostly just telling people to shut up."

"And you get in trouble for their talking?"

"Yeah. Stupid popular people, they can never get in trouble..."

"I hear ya. I was always the one to get easily annoyed by the 'perfect' people at my old school. I know exactly how you're feeling."

"What do you mean?" I asked, not wanting to receive an answer.

"I can tell you have some sadness in your past. It's in your eyes. I've been where you are."

"Don't pretend like you know me!" I shouted, then ran down the hallway, leaving him stranded. I kind of feel bad. But that's what he gets for pissing me off. No one can relate to how I feel right now... No one!

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