Chapter 10 ~ Is it cannon

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(A/N: Sorry for all of these author notes, I always hate it when people add these all the time. I just wanted to give a shoutout to my friend who convinced me to write another chapter today. So, this chapter is all thanks to @-PropsAndMayhem-) 

Ally's POV

His girl? His girl? Since when am I Jack's girl? This is just, too much. I have to get away from here. "Please excuse me." I said, trying not to be rude. I got up from my seat and walked to my bedroom. For some reason, to get my mind off of Jack and everything else that's happened, I decided to work on the project I'm working on with him, but you know, alone. After a little while, there was a knock on the door, but I just replied with "Go away." It was silent for a few seconds until someone opened the door to my room despite my commands. "I told you to go away."

"I'm sorry, I just had to make sure you were okay." a voice said behind me.  I didn't even need to turn around to tell that it was Jack. 

"I'm okay. You can go now." I told him. 

"I would, except I know that 'I'm okay' is just girl code for 'find out what's wrong with me yourself and fix it'. Look, I'm sorry for what Asher said before. I want you to know that I don't think that way, it was all him." Jack apologized. 

"Look, I'm fine, really. I just, lost my appetite, that's all." I lied. He turned me to face him and we just stared into each other's eyes for a while. It was silent. No words were needed. It was... warm. He started to inch forward, getting closer and closer to my face. At first, I backed up. But after awhile, I stopped resisting and let his lips fall on mine. It felt nice, I never wanted to leave, but I just had to. I pulled away and shook my head. "I-I-I-I." 

"Is this the project?" he asked casually. I paused for a bit, but eventually nodded my head. "Here, let me help." he said, sitting down beside me. How is he unfazed by what just happened? Was it all in my head? No, it couldn't have been. It was definetely real... right? Suddenly, I heard a giggle emit form outside my bedroom. My curiosity took over and before I knew it, I was following the sound. Turns out it was Quinn eavesdropping. 

"Quinn!" I shouted. 

"Yes?" she replied innocently. 

"You weren't eavesdropping, were you?" I asked, not wanting to know the answer. 

"Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't. On a totally unrelated note, are you cannon?" she asked.

"Am I, what?"

"Cannon! You know, are you two dating now? Is it official? Come on, I saw you kiss. I want this so much!" Quinn exclaimed. 

"Woah, calm down girl! Nothing's happening. It was just a little mishap."

"Look, nothing's going to happen, so you might as well give up on the whole idea of-"


"I was going to say that you should give up on the whole idea of Jack and I, but say whatever it takes for you to get over it." As if on cue, Jack walked out of my room with his nose in his phone.

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