Chapter 4 ~ Convos With my Parents

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Jack's POV

I came home after school. I mean, obviously. As soon as I reach my house, I sprinted upstairs, straight into my bedroom. I was in the mood to just chill out, so I decided to play my favorite game, Shadow of the Colossus. It is my all time favorite game. It's just so awesome. Anyway, today was pretty fun. Even though I got into a fight with Alison, I still had fun with her in detention. It was kind of like Breakfast Club, but not really. As I was playing my game, I heard my mom call me down for supper. We're having tacos! "Coming mom!" I shouted as I saved my game and ran downstairs to the dining room. I could smell the tacos from the hallway, the smell was delicious. "Mmmm." I hummed, showing my interest.

"Jack." my mother called in a serious tone. "I got an interesting phone call today. It was from a Mr. Faulman. You got a detention?"

"I just accidently spilled coffee on his shirt. That's all." I replied calmly. Technically, that was the truth.

"I see. Are you sure that is all?"

"Yep!" I said cheerfully, right before I took a bite out of the crunchy taco.

"How did you spill coffee on his shirt?" my dad cut in.

"I was pushed."

"Oh no! Are you being bullied in school?" my mother asked worriedly.

"No, no. It was a playful little push." I reassured.

"Oh, okay. But you know you can come to me if you have any issues."

"Of course, mom." I answered a little embarrassed. I took a few more bites of my food. It was actually pretty awkward. The loud crunches of the taco shells against the deafening silence. *Crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* "So..." my mother started. "Is there anything interesting going on at school?"

"Well, there is this girl." I responded.

"Oh?" my dad perked. "What's this about a girl?"

"No, it's nothing like that. I just feel like she's going through some tough times, but she won't let me help." I explained.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't get involved then." my mom suggested.

"That's what she said, but I just can't let go. You guys raised me too well to do that."

"What's this girl's name?" my dad asked.

"Her name's Alison. It just made me so happy when I finally got her to smile."

"Well then, I think this Alison girl is very lucky to have someone like you in her life." my mom snickered and cleared the plates. She carried the plates over to the kitchen and started washing them with my dad's help. I went to head upstairs, but before I did, I heard my mom say "I can't believe my little boy has a crush." 'I do not have a crush.' I mumbled. When I went back upstairs, I continued my game and later fell asleep.

Ally's POV

When I got home, I was bombarded by questions from my mother. Things like "Where were you? And are you alright? Or were you with someone? Who was this person?" I told her everything. From the part where I accidently spilt coffee on the harshest teacher ever, got detention because the teacher sucks, and got to talk with this kid in my homeroom class. She was so happy to hear that I finally made a friend. I mean, I guess you could consider us to be friends, but... It's just that that's not the term I would use. Although, that's not a common term for me. I don't think I've had a real friend for a very long time. Probably not since I was in early grade school. My best friend Quinn moved to California and left me all alone. I haven't spoken to her since then. Since then, it was pretty hard to trust anyone. And my father's death made it even harder.

I sat down at the dinner table. Tonight, I made spaghetti. Yes, I made it myself. Ever since my dad passed away, and being an only child, it's been pretty hard for my mother to take care of me, so I've been helping out around the house. Including making dinner. As I took a bite of my pasta, my mom tried to break the silence. "So, tell me about this new friend."

"Well, he's mostly annoying and-"

"Wait, he's a he?" she asked. I nodded. "Oh, okay. Just verifying. Please, continue."

"As I was saying..." I continued, a little confused. "He's the one who got me in trouble. If he would have just left me alone, I wouldn't have gotten a detention in the first place. Plus, we have to do this stupid science project together."

"Oh? Will he be coming over anytime soon then?"

"Gosh, I hope not." I answered truthfully.

"But I thought you told me that you got along during your detention."

"Yeah, well, that was like the only time he wasn't being a complete idiot."

"I see. Well, I think you should give this..." she paused. Probably wanting me to give her his name. So I did.


"I think you should give this Jack a chance. And I'm not just saying this because I want you to make friends, I'm saying this because I am your mother. I'm the only one you have left. And this is the right thing to do. He obviously likes you."

"Trust me, he doesn't like me. He will do anything he can to annoy me. I swear, that is his one mission in life."

"Whatever you say." she gushed. But I just dismissed it and did the dishes.

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