Chapter 12 ~ Sorry

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Quinn's POV

Jack and Ally just left for their date. I wonder what's going to happen. He said they were going to take a walk, but what will happen during their walk? What are they going to talk about? Well, no matter, I'm just so proud of Ally, finally going on her first date. I've been worried about her, never having contact with another human being. She hasn't always been like this, she used to be so friendly. She was the one who engaged conversation with me first. But... times have changed. Now, Karine's lucky her daughter has three friends. But, three friends is all she needs, because we all love her. Some more than others.

I'm just saying, Jally is an adorable couple. I mean, Ally is so beautiful and Jack is so handsome. With his pretty blue eyes, his adorable hair that falls just the right way. Especially in a cool breeze, blowing in the wind. The way he looks in that leather jacket of his. No. Nononononononononononono. I cannot think that way about my best friend's boyfriend. Well, in my defense, they haven't exactly made it official yet. No, Quinn! Stop thinking like that! It doesn't matter if it's official, she really likes this guy, and he really likes her too. It wouldn't be fair to her, or him, or even me. Living with the guilt of stabbing my best friend in the back.

"Are you alright Quinn? You've been awfully quiet. It's not like you." I turned around to the source of the voice, only to find Karine, Ally's mom. "I know Ally's not here anymore, but that's never stopped you before."

"Oh, no, I'm fine. I was just thinking. Thinking about... something from school," I replied, not wanting to concern her.

"Alright, well, let me know if there's anything I can do for you. Remember, you can tell me anything," she told me. I forced a smile and nodded as she walked away with a basket of laundry in her hands. I went on my phone, social media is my life, I've got to keep up with all of the latest trends. First, I checked Instagram, all my friends are doing fine. Of course, I've been posting weekly, showing off all of the cool stuff I've done. Then, I checked Twitter, catching up with all of my favorite celebrities and YouTubers. After that, I moved onto Vine. I laughed so many times, it's kind of sad how much other people getting hurt can make us laugh. Oh well, that's comedy for you. Next, I signed into Facebook and decided to chat with the friends I made in California. Luckily, my closest friend, aside from Ally, of course, was online.

'Hey, Izzy!' I typed. After only a few minutes of waiting, Isabelle replied.

'Hola mi amiga! How have you been? Everyone back here really misses you.'

'I've been fine. What about you, and the others?'

'Everyone is doing just dandy! Alex made the school's basketball team, Sarah's back from vacation, and Hunter's not doing so bad either. He's found himself a little girlfriend. Her name's Scarlet and she is so sweet and funny.'

'That all sounds great! I wish I could have been there to see it all for myself, but I'm glad you're all having a great time.'

'As for me, well, I'm going to be the lead in the school's play this year!'

'Izzy! That is so amazing! I'm so proud of you!'

'Thanks, Quinn. Anyway, what have you been up to?'

'Well, remember when I talked to you about Ally?'


'Well, I got her a date with the guy she likes!'

'That's so like you. You're like cupid, without the wings, diaper, and chubbiness.'

'And without the bow and arrow.'

'LOL, so true.'

'Yeah, except, I think I might be developing feelings for this guy.'

'Quinn, you can't.'

'I know, I know. Trust me, I feel terrible and I haven't even done anything yet.'

'Yet?! Quinn! No!'

'You know what I mean. I just need to think. Anyway, it was really nice catching up, but I have to go now. See ya later.'


'Working on your Spanish?'




I signed out of my account as I heard the front door open. "Quinn! I'm back," Ally's voice shouted. I turned around to face her with a smile on my face.

"Hi, Ally! Tell me, how was it? I want to know every single detail." I said, patting the seat next to me, indicating her to sit down. She sat down and smiled at me.

"It's a long story..."


Ally's POV

Jack and I were walking down the street, hand in hand. This was so awkward, I don't know what to do or say. I was deep in thought when Jack snapped me out of it. "I know you haven't done this before," he said, "but it's just as if we're hanging out as friends." He smiled at me as we kept on walking down the dirt path. "I don't know about you, but I get nervous on dates. Only, it makes it so much easier that it's with you." I blushed at his comment.

"Y-you say s-such sweet words," I stuttered. I mentally facepalmed myself for that stupid comment.

"Thanks, I got Asher to teach me a few things," he admitted. He chuckled and I giggled a bit. "He is good at this sort of thing."

"Yeah, I-I guess," I spoke.

"Look, you don't need to be so nervous." With those words, he just looked me in the eyes and hugged me. I was shocked at first, but I reluctantly hugged him back. I started to relax. It was always nice to be in his warm embrace.

~~End of Flashback~~

"Then we walked around some more, and now I'm here," I explained. "That's pretty much it."

"I am so happy for you!" Quinn shouted as she gave me a bone-crushing hug. "I'm going to go get us some celebratory lemonade." She got up and walked over to the kitchen. While she was gone, her phone buzzed. Curiosity got the best of me and I looked over to see what it was. It was a text from a Facebook chat. It read 'Good luck with that whole liking your best friend's boyfriend thing!' Quinn walked back into the room and I read the text aloud in the form of a question. She looked stunned and dropped the glasses on to the floor. "Ally, I'm sorry."

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