Chapter 3 ~ Detention Tension

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Ally's POV

I stormed out of the classroom, really pissed off at what he said. He can't pretend he knows me, we just met. He needs to give me my space. School was so much less complicated before he came. I know, I know, that's not what I said before, but he's just so irritating. I just want to slap him in the face. My train of thought was cut short by the sound of Jack's voice. "Alison! Alison!" he yelled.

"What is it this time?" I answered a little irked.

"Look, I'm sorry if I offended you, but I just wanted to cheer you up."

"I don't need cheering up!"

"That first day, when we met, we stared deep into each others eyes, I could detect a hint of sadness. I'm here to help."

"Well, stop 'helping'." We bickered and weren't looking where we were going. I accidently pushed Jack into Mr. Faulman, the strictest teacher in the whole world. You probably know how this cliche goes, he was drinking his coffee and spilt it all over himself.

"Look what you two did! I can't believe you hooligans are even allowed in school!" he raged.

"In all fairness, you really shouldn't be drinking coffee in the middle of the hallway." I defended. Maybe that wasn't such a smart idea. Now he looks really pissed.

"Detention! Both of you!" he demanded.

"But-" we tried to defend in unison, but it was no use. Not with Mr. Faulman.

~~Time Skip~~

*Sigh* It is now after school. Time for... detention with... stupid Jack and evil Faulman. Every single time I go to detention, it's for somebody else. At least this time, I'm taking him down with me. I entered the teacher's classroom. Mr. Faulman was already there, but I was the only student there. 'Where's Jack?' I wondered. 'Did he get lost?' Mr. Faulman must have noticed the confused look on my face and said "Your pupil seems to be running late." Just as he said that, Jack came running in... literally. "Jack! I believe another detention is in order."

"Come on, cut him some slack. He just moved here, he probably got lost or something." I helped.

"Very well, you are let off the hook, this time. You are lucky you have a friend to rely on." the teacher stated.

"He's not my friend." I stated blankly and took my seat. Jack quickly followed.

"Alright. No talking, no moving, no phones, just do nothing! I'll be back in a couple of hours to get you two." the teacher explained as he left the room.

"So, what's up?" Jack started.

"No talking." I replied.

"But he's gone."

"Look, this isn't my first rodeo. Just stay quiet and we might be able to leave early." I lied.

"This isn't my first rodeo? Who says that?" I stayed silent. "Silent treatment? Really?" I nodded. "You're really mad at me, huh?" I nodded once again. "Fine. Two can play at that game..." It was silent. Very silent. Until- "How do you do this?" he whined. I laughed a bit.

"You're such a little kid!"

"Well, you're no better."

"Oh, you are soo smart." I replied sarcastically.

"At least now we're talking."

"Yeah. I guess you're not so bad after all."

"You really mean that?"

"I don't know yet. Sometimes you're smart, sometimes you're dumb. It's hard to tell with you."

"You really need to let loose." he stated.

"Maybe you just have to tighten up." He looked at me weirdly. "I am aware of what I just said." We both laughed a bit. I am genuinely having a good time. Who knew detention could be so fun?

"We should dance!"

"We should not!" I said, mocking his tone of voice.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" he said, pulling out his phone and playing what I can only assume is his favorite song. He got up and started dancing. He was actually pretty good. "Dance with me." He held out his hand for me to take. I hesitated, but reluctantly gave in. I started dancing to the song for a while. It wasn't as tense as before. It felt more natural this time around. Jack and I stayed like that, until I heard footsteps. Mr. Faulman!

"Quiet!" I shouted as loudly as I could with a whisper. "Mr. Faulman's coming!"


"Turn your music off!" I ordered. He did as I said, and sat back down. The teacher opened the door and peaked his head in.

"I thought I heard music." the teacher stated.

"Nope, no music here." Jack fibbed.

"We were just sitting here in complete silence, thinking over what we did." I continued.

"Maybe it came from a different classroom." Jack finished. The teacher looked unsure, but had no choice but to believe us.

"Okay, but if I catch you, you two are in serious trouble." Jack and I hummed in response, signaling our comprehension. "I'll be back in a few minutes to check up on you." Mr. Faulman started heading out the door, but before he could, Jack raised his hand. "What is it?"

"Can I please go to the washroom?"

"Make it quick." was his response. Before heading out, Jack winked at me. I wonder what for?

~~Time Skip~~

Jack finally got back. Mr. Faulman has been gone for a while. Jack was holding something. He handed a small bag. "What is this?" I asked.

"What? You've never seen a bag of chips before?"

"Well, yeah, but where did you get it?"

"The vending machine downstairs." he answered, munching on some chips. "Do you not want any? I'll take your bag too if you want." He reached out his hand to grab the bag, but I pulled away.

"No, no. I'll eat them."

"Okay. Okay." He raised his hands up in defense. A few minutes later, the teacher walked in.

"Okay, get out!" the teacher yelled. We scurried out of the classroom.

"That was fun. We should do that more often." Jack suggested.

"Go to detention?" I queried.

"No, hang out."

"We'll just have to see about that." I said, running away from him to my house.

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