Chapter 16 ~ The carnival

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Asher's POV

"Why don't you give it a try?" I offered Jack after Ally left to go get some sleeping bags. "I'll even help you out and start you off at 1 am."

"And deal with Mr. Tatters? No thank you," he replied.

"Come on, dude. I already got you past Kiki, it's not that hard," I told him.

"Fine. I'll do it. But only to prove that I am better than you at some things," he complied. 

"Not at picking up chicks," I muttered. 

"One, I have a girlfriend, you don't. Second, I'll admit I'm not as good as you when it comes to being gross."

"Getting girls isn't gross, it's awesome."

"It's awesome when it's meaningful, it's gross when its a daily routine," he said as he sat down to play the horror game. Man, I hope he gets nightmares tonight. 

~~Time Skip~~

Ally's POV

Well, it's finally Friday. You know what that means. It's time for the carnival! On one hand, I'm excited to spend the day with my friends. In the other, I'm afraid to go on all of the scary rides I know Quinn's going to drag me on. She's always been a little crazy when it comes to roller coasters and other various theme park rides that'll make any normal human being throw up. And I'll tell you, ham and eggs do not taste good coming back up. Anyway, we all decided to meet at the carnival. Lucky for me, no matter what happened, I'll be there with my best friend. Oh yeah, maybe that's a bad thing. Well, we'll see. I've always been a sucker for the food. Snow cones, corn dogs, a diabetic's worst nightmare. Luckily for me, I don't mind dying at a young age. At least I'll die happy. 

Quinn and I were waiting for the guys in the parking lot. Right where we had agreed on meeting. It was currently ten o'clock. The time we set to meet up at. A car pulled up. It was a beautiful, red, four person convertible with a single black stripe on it. It was magnificent. I took a look at the driver's seat and saw Jack driving with Asher in the passenger seat. "Good morning, ladies," Asher said cockily. "Are you impressed by our ride?"

"Wow, Jack. I had no idea your parents owned such a nice car," I stated.

"Oh, no. This is mine," Jack replied.

"Wait, this is your car?" I asked out of pure shock.

"Yeah. Well, my parents helped pay for it, but I still pitched in a lot," he explained. 

"How long did you save up for this?" Quinn asked for me. "This is an awesome care, but it looks really expensive."

"I had a job since I was twelve. I've been saving up ever since. Little jobs like babysitting, car washing, refereeing soccer matches. Things like that. But I was really busy, never stopped working.Some of those jobs made up to 25 dollars an hour."

"Did you never buy anything?" Quinn queried.

"No, not really."

"Wow. Nice wheels though," I complimented. 

"Thanks. Was it worth the money?"

"I'd say so," I told him as I leaned against the shiny red car. 

"Yeah, yeah. Come on guys. Get out of the car and let's go get some tickets for the rides!" Quinn exclaimed. She took my arm and dragged me to the ticket booth located at the front gate. The boys weren't that far behind us. They were close enough for me to hear a faint chuckle emit from Asher's mouth. 

Quinn's POV

I grabbed Ally's arm and pulled her towards the ticket booth. It was a fair line. Not too long, but not too short either. I know what you're thinking... How can a line be too short. Especially an amusement park line. Well, smarty pants, we're still waiting for two other people. It would be unfair if we went in and they were still in the queue. Luckily, they caught up to us pretty quickly, and not long after, we were at the front, ready to get our tickets.

~~Time Skip~~

"Come on, Ally! I want to go on that one!" I exclaimed. 

"But we just got off of one," she whined. 

"Yeah, but this is the best one!" I argued.

"Fine. But we're taking it easy after this," she stated.

"Alright," I agreed. "Let's go!"

~~Time Skip~~

"I am never going on any ride that you recommend ever again," Ally commented. Her face did look a little green.

"Alright, alright. I'll admit that that last ride was a little extreme. But I had fun nonetheless," I told her, feeling a little bit dizzy myself. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around, almost as if I was drunk.

"Hey, are you guys okay?" Jack asked me.

"What? Oh yeah. We just went on a crazy roller coaster," I replied. "Where have you guys been anyway?"

"We just went to get some food. We brought you back some cotton candy," Asher explained. 

"What kind?" I queried.

"The blue kind! The pink stuff just doesn't taste the same," he spoke.

"I totally agree," I added, taking the cotton candy from out of his hands and shoving a piece in my mouth. "Here, Ally! This will make you feel better."

"How is giving me pure sugar going to help me feel better when I am sick to my stomach?" she asked rhetorically. 

"But it's tasty carnival food. You love these kinds of things," I said.

"Yeah, I do, but..." she started. "Oh, who am I kidding? Give me some!" she shouted as she grabbed a piece off of the paper cone/stick thing they put it on. 

"How about we go on one more ride. All of us together," I suggested. 

"I already told you. I'm not going on any more rides that you suggest," Ally stated firmly.

"Oh, come on. It'll be fun," Jack told her. Yes! My plan is going to work perfectly! Ally took a very long time to answer. Probably contemplating in her head what she should do.

"Well...." she hesitated. "Alright. What's the harm?"

Oh, too many things, Ally. Too many things.

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