Chapter 9 ~ Busted

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(A/N: I would just like to let you all know that I will be updating this story every Mondays, like today, just to make them a little better. Besides that, I hope you enjoy this and all the chapters.)

Jack's POV

I went home to change and fix my hair. I mean, I have to look presentable. I headed over to her house and knocked on the door, when suddenly, I got a text from one of my friends. He still goes to my old school, but we still hang out every day after school. Well, almost every day. 'Good luck with that girl. Hope she's worth it. ;)' the text read. I replied saying 'It's not like that, man.' 'Sure, bro. ;)' 'I'll talk to you later.' Apparently, somewhere in between all that, Quinn opened the door and dragged Ally and I upstairs. "I'm glad you came, Jack." Quinn said.

"Uh... Thanks for inviting me." I replied, almost as if it were a question. "Not to be rude or anything, but why exactly did you invite me over?"

"I want to try and get to know you better." she responded. "Jack, can I talk to you outside for a minute?"

"Uh, sure...?"

"Why did you bring us up here if you were just going to leave?" Ally questioned. That's actually something I'd like to know myself. 

"We'll be right back." Quinn reassured and brought me outside.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked her once we left the house.  

"You like Ally!"

"What?!" I exclaimed. "No I don't!"

"You totally do! I can tell. It's the way you look at her, how you decided to change, the fact that you kept on trying to help her even though she explicitly told you to stop."

"She's just a friend, I couldn't give up on her."

"That's too bad, because I heard that she likes you too." Quinn cooed. 

"There's no way she said that."

"Okay, well, maybe she hasn't said it out loud... yet. But I just know she does."

"Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you're wrong?" She looked hurt at my words. Whoops, did I say something wrong? 

"Just trust me on this, do you want to date her or not?"

"O-o-of course not!"

"You stuttered! You do like her! I was right!" Quinn shouted. 

"Shush! Will you be quiet?!"  I whisper shouted.



"Jack and Ally! Jally!"

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