Chapter 5 ~ Lights Out

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(A/N: I'm sorry for not updating in a while. I've been busy and all that stuff. And I'm also sorry for not being able to post daily anymore. It was awesome while it lasted, but now I just can't make the commitment. And yes, this sounds like a letter you'd give to someone when you want to break up, but shhhh...  Anyways, I hope you enjoy this next chapter!)

Jack's POV

Today is the day that I get myself invited to Ally's house, and I know just how to do it. The project is the perfect excuse! Right now, I'm standing in front of my locker, since it's near the entrance, waiting for Alison to walk through the doors. I finally found her and started making my way in her direction. "Hey!" I greeted cheerfully.

"What do you want?" she replied a little cold hearted.

"What happened to all of the progress we made?"

"That wasn't progress, it was a... temporary slip."

"Anyways, when should I come over?" I asked.

"Hmm... Try, never."

"You think you're so clever, don't you?"

"Why would I ever let you come to my house?"

"For the project."

"For the p-p-project? What on earth do you mean?"

"Well, we have to work on the project sometime."

"What's wrong with your house?" she asked.

"Do you really want to come over to my house?" I retorted. She thought about it for a while, then had a weird look on her face. Should I be offended?

"I'm free tonight." she answered quickly, then she grabbed her books, shut her locker closed and scurried to class. Sweet! Phase one complete. Now, off to class.

Ally's POV

Darn it! I can't believe what I just agreed to. He backed me into a corner, there was no other way. At least my mom is finally getting what she's always wanted. For one of my 'friends' to come over. But this is strictly for business. Man, I'm growing up too fast. Class started. Then it ended. So much work, yet nothing happened. Surprising, right? *cough* *cough* Sarcasm. *cough* *cough* Okay, lunchtime, time to eat alone...again. I was prepared to eat lunch in silence. I was actually relying on that silence, until mister nosy came along and decided to sit next to me. That idiot. "What's wrong?" he asked. 

"What do you mean?"

"You're sitting all alone."

"That's always been my routine."


SmileOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora