Chapter 13 ~ What to do

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Asher's POV

I just sent Jack out on his date. He really got it easy with the fact that she has no idea what to expect. Before he left, I taught him how to properly talk to a girl. Basically, I taught him how to flirt and sweet talk. Man, by the way things looked, you'd think he's never even talked to a girl. ALWAYS SAY TGE OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU'RE THINKING! He didn't get that far in the lesson though, Jack is still a novice. What? I take my flirting lessons very seriously. It's a great skill to have when you're trying to meet people. I am honoured I am able to share my gift to the world.

As I was waiting, I decided to play an online game. I could have played, but that's too played out. Happy Wheels is also a good choice, but I'm not really in the mood to see something too gory. Maybe, an obvious remaking of, but new and exciting! Oh, what am I doing with my life? You know what? I'm still young and I'm having fun, that's all that matters.

~~Time Skip~~

Jack's home now, he's just taking his shoes off right now. I am planning on asking him about his big accomplishment. "So, how did you do? Did you talk to her the way I told you? How many times did she laugh? Did she laugh at your stupid, terrible jokes? Because if she did, that means she likes you."

"Slow down Asher. Umm... I think I did well, I did follow your teachings, she laughed a fair amount of time, and she laughed at some of my bad jokes. But that's because they were funny." He replied.

"Haha, that's rich, you think that she laughed because it was funny. You see, no matter how funny the boy is, the girl will only laugh as a way of flirting." I explained.

"No offence bud, but I was pretty funny," he spoke.

"Oh, you poor, poor soul," I said in my most sincere voice while I patted his head. "Of course you weren't."

"I'm feeling the love, Ash. Feeling the love," he said sarcastically.

"Sorry, but it's the truth! Anyway, what happened?" I asked.

"Just, stuff," he answered.

"Cool..." I started. "Wanna play a video game now?"



"Bros or Maker?"

"Whichever. You pick."

"I'm thinking more Bros."

"Alright, I'll set it up."


~~Time Skip~~

"I'm getting kind of hungry," Jack informed me. I thought about it for a while.

"I could eat," I replied. "What were you thinking?"

"I'm kind of in the mood for sushi."


"Yeah, I don't know why though."

"Sure, why not?" Suddenly, my phone vibrated, only once, signalling me that I have received a text message. I took the phone out of my pocket, and saw that it was from Quinn. The message read out 'Ally and I just had a fight. Help.' I don't know what that means, but if she's asking me to help her with her girl troubles, there's a big problem. Buzz buzz. I looked at the second text I received. 'Please don't let Jack know about this.' I found myself wondering why she would say that, but I dismissed the thought and put my phone back in my pocket. "Change of plans. I'm going to go somewhere alone, and you're going to stay here like the loner you are."

"Wow. Where did that come from?" He asked defensively. "I just came back from a date."

"That was a few hours ago, dude. You see what I'm talking about?" I retorted. I left the house, leaving Jack alone with a shocked face.

~~Time Skip~~

I entered Quinn's home. "Quinn! I'm here! What did you want to talk to me about?!" I shouted.

"Quinn called you too? Why am I even surprised?" Ally's voice spoke.

"What do you mean?" I queried.

She sighed, then replied with, "She's in her room, right down the hall." I nodded and headed towards the room Ally pointed me to. I gently knocked on the door and opened it up just a crack. Not hearing any objections, I walked inside. I found my friend sitting on her bed, facing the wall.

"Quinn? Is everything okay?" I asked her in a calm, soothing voice.

"I'm fine." she mumbled quietly.

"Are you sure?" I asked her again, not convinced by her answer.

"I said I'm fine!" she snapped, whipping her head towards me. As she turned her head, I saw tears streaming down her eyes. I was shocked. I don't know what to do! What do you do when you're faced with a crying girl?!

"I can sense something's wrong. I'll be right back." I told her.

~~Time Skip~~

Quinn's POV

I was crying. I never wanted this to happen. It's not like I acted on it. Plus, she didn't even want to go out with him in the first place. Not only that, but they've only been on one date. Just saying. I heard a knock on the door. It was gentle, almost inaudible. "C-come in." The door opened to reveal Jack standing under the frame of my bedroom door. "Jack? What are you doing here? Ally's downstairs." He didn't reply. He just walked closer and wrapped his arms around me. My eyes widened. "Jack? What are you-?"

"Asher told me you were sad. He told me he couldn't handle it, so I came right over. I guess this is the one thing I know how to do that he doesn't," he stated smugly as he held me tighter in his embrace.

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