Chapter 14 ~ Sushi

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Jack's POV

Quinn was crying on her bed. I wonder why... All I know is what asher told me, which wasn't much. 'Quinn's sad, I don't know what to do.' Finally, something I'm better at than him. I started to walk towards her. "Jack? What are you-?" Quinn started, but stopped when she felt my arms wrap around her.

"Asher told me you were sad. He told me he couldn't handle it, so I came right over. I guess this is the one thing I know how to do that he doesn't," I replied. I pulled her closer to me and tightened my grip, almost as if she would disappear if I didn't. We stayed there for a bit, silence filling the room. After a while, I decided to ask her the question that's been on my mind. "Hey, Quinn, what happened?"

"What? Oh, it's nothing," she told me. That was obviously a lie. I know how these things go, I have two sisters at home. I rarely mention them though.

"You can't fool me, nothing definitely means something." I looked into her eyes. "You can tell me anything."

"I don't want to talk about it right now," she stated.

"Alright. Well, here's my number, give me a call when you want to talk," I told her while handing her a piece of paper that held my number on it that I got from out of nowhere. Still wanting food, I started to get up and walk out of her bedroom, but a hand grabbed my wrist before I could go.

"Jack, wait! Do you think you could stay here a bit longer?" she asked me. I smiled at her and gave a little nod. I sat back down on her bed and she rested her head on my chest. "Hey, Jack?"

"Yeah?" I answered.

"How are you and Ally doing?" I was shocked by this question. Why would she bring that up right now?

"Where did that come from?"

"Just asking. You don't need to answer that if you don't want to."

"No, it's fine," I informed her. "We're doing great! At least that's what I think," I answered honestly. "Did Ally say anything?" I asked her, worried.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Nothing like that, just making conversation. It's better than asking you about the weather of the location we are both in."

"True. So, if we're talking conversation starters, what's your weirdest life goal?"

"My weirdest life goal?"

"Yeah, like, when you were younger, there must have been something you told yourself you absolutely had to do, even if it was a little odd," I explained.

"I haven't really thought about it," she said, turning a bit so she could face the ceiling, her head resting on my lap. "Well, I always wanted to open up my own clothing shop where there is only one thing in every size," she said shyly.

"Did you give it a name?" I asked.

"Yeah..." she replied nervously.

"What is it?"

"The Unique Boutique," she admitted timidly. I chuckled a bit, and she looked at me... disappointedly? "I know, it was really stupid." She sighed and looked away.

"That's pretty cute." I gave her a big smile and I'm pretty sure I saw a tint of pink on her cheeks, but it must have been my imagination.

~~Time Skip~~

"Quinn, why don't you come eat with Asher and I? It might make you feel better," I suggested.

She thought about for a moment. She then smiled and replied saying, "Sure! What are we having?"

"Sushi?" I suggested because I still didn't get my sushi.

"Alright. Let's go!" It seems as if food cheered her up. I picked up my phone and texted Asher to come meet us at the local sushi place. He texted back right away saying that he was already on his way. We walked downstairs and crossed paths with Ally.

"Hey, want to come eat sushi with Asher, Quinn and I?" I offered.

"Sure," she responded uncertainly.

~~Time Skip~~

Ally's POV

I decided to go eat sushi with the gang, just to see how it plays out. We ordered what we wanted and the tension was clearly in the air. So thick, you'd only be able to cut it with a steak knife. I looked at Quinn, feeling a little disgusted and held Jack's hand. It might have been out of spite, but I don't regret it one bit. I didn't realize it before, but this feels so... perfect. Jack looked down at our hands, then looked up to me with a closed-eyed smile. Soon after, our food came, and everyone didn't hesitate to dig in. Not long after, I realized that not everyone was doing so. Quinn's food still hasn't arrived. I looked back down at my food and offered her a sushi roll. I guess you could call it a piece offering. "As long as you know that it's my food." She nodded at my words. I knew that she knew it was about more than just my food. 

Quinn's POV

"As long as you know that it's my food." I nodded in response. I knew she was really talking about Jack, and I'm glad she decided to forgive me. I don't know what I would do without my best friend. My food finally came and we all finished our meals in silence. We eventually finished and the bill came. I was about to pay my share of it, but Jack put enough money down for the four of us, plus a tip. 

"You don't need to pay for us," I stated.

"Yeah, we are fully capable of paying for our own meals," Ally added.

"Nonsense. It was my idea. The least I could do is treat my girls to a meal," Jack said. His girls? I felt heat rise to my cheeks, but luckily, it wasn't that bad. 

"Actually, the least you could do is pay nothing," Ally stated in a matter of fact tone.

"It's fine, really. I have all of this extra money and I never know what to do with it," I uttered. The waitress came and took the bill and the money away from the table.

"Too late, she already took all the money," Jack said triumphantly. I searched my purse, took out 20 dollars and stuffed it in his face.

"Take it. Take my money!" I exclaimed as I walked closer to him. Ally joined me and soon we were both right up against him. He looked uncomfortable, so Ally and I smirked. 

"Just take it," I heard Ally purr in his ear. His face became a deep crimson red. 

"Just do it," I purred in his other ear. His face turned a deeper shade of red. 

"S-s-s-stop it, guys," he muttered. 

"Sheesh, guys. Get a room," Asher spoke. Wow, just... wow. Real mature Asher, real mature. Just you wait... 

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