Chapter 15 ~ Emily Wants to Play

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Ally's POV

"Awe, come on, Asher. Are you just jealous? Do you want some attention too?" I asked rhetorically in Asher's direction. His face flushed as he swallowed. 

"I-It's okay. Keep doing what you're doing." he said nervously. 

"Now, now. Don't be shy." Quinn cooed. Maybe we shouldn't be playing with the guys like this. But it's so fun. I must say, I've changed a lot over the past couple of weeks. Quinn, Jack and Asher have really gotten me to open up more. Quinn and I finally let the guys go and we all decided we'd hang at my place. Mom didn't mind, she was just happy that I finally made some friends. We all talked, laughed, played. We even watched a movie at one point. We were all sitting in a circle, well, it was more of a square, and we were just talking. As we did, Jack slowly grabbed my hand and held it tight in his. He didn't even move his gaze from his friend in front of him. He looked so focused, never wanting to break his concentration. But it felt nice knowing that he just 'had to' hold my hand. He's just so sweet. 

I looked at our hands, then his face, then our hands again. He never stopped looking at Asher. He was currently telling us a story about the time he almost broke his collar bone, but managed to only get a few scratches. He claimed to have magical regenerative abilities, exactly like the Wolverine. I didn't really listen to any of the details though. "Ally? Ally?" Quinn's voice broke my train of thought. My head snapped towards her.

"Yeah?" I replied, acting as if I was paying attention this whole time.

"What do you say? Are you going to come or not?" she asked.

"Come to what?" I asked her, probably sounding like a fool.

"To the carnival. The one that's happening this Friday. It's a PD day, so we figured we'd all have fun together." Jack asked.

"Were you even listening?" Asher tested. 

"Of course, Wolverine." I teased, proving that I was indeed listening. To some parts anyway. I tried to annoy him, but he just looked amused by it. Oh well. 

"So? Are you coming or not?" Quinn pressured me.

"Sure! It sounds like a blast!" I answered. It would have been awkward if I had said no. It was getting pretty late. "Hey, how about you guys stay the night? It's pretty dark out already."

"That would be awesome! Please, guys?" Quinn pleaded. She really liked it when we all hang out together. 

"Sure," Asher replied.

"I've got to ask my parents first, but I'm sure they'll say yes." Jack responded. He sent a quick text, probably to one of his parents, and got a response almost right away. "Yep, my parents are cool with it." 

"Great! What do you guys want for supper?" I asked the group of people in front of me. 

"I don't know, whatever," Asher answered.

"Hot dogs it is!" I exclaimed, standing up to start preparing the 'gourmet meal'. "My mom's not here, so we're on our own for supper. I'm not exactly the best chef," I explained.

~~Time Skip~~

"I must say, you're hot dogs are extraordinary, Ally," Jack complimented in a fake British accent.

"Why, thank you, good sir," I replied in a worst British accent. 

"Alright, alright, love birds, that's enough," Quinn interrupted us. 

"Whatever," I muttered, rolling my eyes. 

"So, what are we going to do now?" Asher asked. 

"Whatever you guys want," I told them. 

"How about we play Emily Wants to Play?" Asher suggested with a smirk plastered on his face. 

"What's that?" Quinn asked.

"It's an online video game," Jack clarified. 

"Alright, sounds like fun. I have a big monitor upstairs. Let's play on that," I told them.

"Perfect! The bigger the screen, the netter the effect," Asher stated ominously. 

"What?" I asked, trying to make sure I heard him correctly. 

"Oh, nothing. Just conversing with myself," he said. 

"Alright," I replied, but I still wasn't convinced. Oh well. We went up the flight of stairs and entered the room that contained the room with the giant monitor. I got one of the boys to set it up. I didn't know where to find it, after all. 

"Okay, it's all set up," Asher notified me. "Who's going first?"

"Why don't you go first?" I suggested.

"I personally think that Quinn should be our first volunteer," he proposed. 

"But, I don't even know how to play," she argued.

"It's easy to learn. All the instructions will appear throughout the game," Asher instructed. Jack stayed silent during all of this, I wonder if he knows something. Uncertain, Quinn nods her head and approached the computer to play. Jack was at the back of the room, so I started walking towards him. 

"What is this game?" I whispered.

"It's a horror game. A FNAF kind of deal. He just wants to see your girls' reaction to the jump scares," Jack enlightened me.

"FNAF?" I asked.

"Five Nights At Freddie's. It's another horror game with animatronics and tons of jump scares." 

"AHHHHH!!" A loud, piercing scream interrupted us. I turned my head to the source of the scream. It was Quinn. She got so scared that she almost fell out of her chair. No joke. "The ****, Asher! Why did you want me to play this stupid, horrifying game?!"

Asher didn't reply. He merely laughed. Laughing like a hyena watching Ted 2. "Alright, big shot. Let's see you play," Quinn ordered. "I want to see your so-called skills in action."

"Fine by me," he replied. Asher grabbed the mouse and begun to play from the start. He got past the first hour pretty easily, but how many hours were there?

A creepy looking doll showed on screen. "Wow, Emily looks pretty creepy," I stated.

"You're right, she is. But that isn't Emily. She comes later on," Jack informed me. "That's actually one of her dolls, Kiki. She's pretty much a tiny weeping angel." 

"What's a weeping angel?" Quinn asked for me. Of course Asher didn't want to join the conversation, he was too in to the game. 

"It's a creature in Doctor Who. It's a race of quantum-locked humanoids that look like stone statues. The first time you see them, they look like they're weeping, but the second you look away, they attack you. Don't worry, you don't die, you just get sent to the past and live your life in a different time period. But remember, don't blink." It was like Jack was telling us a ghost story. 

"Nope," Quinn said. "That's enough horror for me. I'm going to sleep. Good night everyone, I'll see you all in the morning. I hope demonic dolls don't murder you all in your sleep... Except for you, Asher. Go play with Emily."

"Wow, that was harsh," Asher commented.

"That's how she gets when you nearly scare her to death," I defended her. "She is right though." 

"Ally, why are you wishing my death?" Asher asked, shocked.

"I meant, she was right to go to bed. It's getting pretty late, we should all get some sleep. Quinn and I will sleep in our own beds, you guys can sleep here. I'll go get you two some sleeping bags," I told them. I didn't know what they're doing while I'm gone. But I think that it's safe to say that one of them is playing Emily Wants to Play right now.

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