Chapter 8 ~ Sleepovers are hard

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Ally's POV

"Is he your boyfriend?" I hear Quinn ask. I immediately did a spit take and looked at her as if she were crazy. Which she was!

"What makes you say that?" I asked in an irritated tone.

"All I'm saying is that you two would look cute together." Quinn stated casually.

"What!?!" I exclaimed.

"I'm just telling you that I'm shipping Jally."

"Jally?" I questioned.

"Do I need to repeat everything? I ship you and Jack!" she shouted.

"But why?"

"Please, it's obvious he likes you. I've seen the way he looks at you. And if I'm not mistaken, which I'm not, I think you like him too." I blushed a bit at her comment. Does he really like me? "You're blushing! I'm gonna start setting it up."

"No, wait!" But before I could get to her, she was already in a trance. A trance called her phone. There was obviously no use, so I just aborted my initial plan and just went to sleep.

~~Time Skip~~

Quinn's POV

Today is my first day joining Ally on her adventures in high school. This will be so fun! Plus, I'll get to know Jack better, maybe even go as far as to set them up. I worry about her. I borrowed her clothes and started getting ready. I went downstairs and ate some delicious breakfast Ally's mom made us. After that, we headed off to school. Normally, I wouldn't be this excited to go to school, but today is a special day. It's also easier to make new friends if you're happy, rather than sad or angry. Studies have proven it. Okay, maybe I made that up, but it makes sense! Anyways, I headed off to the office with Ally by my side and grabbed my schedule and found my locker number written on the corner of it. Ally and I made our way to my locker. Turns out I'm in her homeroom, meaning our lockers are close by. "Math first?" I asked her and she responded by giving me a single nod. "Come on!" I shouted while grabbing her wrist and running to our class.

"What's the rush?" she asked me, probably shocked at my enthusiasm towards getting to class sooner.

"I don't know. And stop complaining, it's not like class will start faster if we get there before the bell." I explained to her.

"Obviously I know that, but you were never one to love school. I specifically remember you comparing school to a prison and decided that the prison was better even if you were being tortured because no torture method could be as bad as a school's."

"Why must you have such a good memory?"

"I don't. I can only retain useless details but I can never remember anything important. Sucks when you think about it." she told me. I just shrugged and we sat down in neighboring seats. We started talking about what has happened since we've last seen each other. I feel so sad for her now. Everything has gone wrong in her life. After a bit of talking, I noticed Jack walk in. I jumped out of my seat and went over to greet him.

"Hey Jack!"

"Oh, hi Quinn. Funny how we're all in the same homeroom." he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"How about you come over tonight?" I suggested.

"Oh, I don't think Ally would like that." he replied.

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