Chapter 6 ~Surprises, surprises

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Jack's POV

Wow. I can't believe she's had to go through that alone. "What about your mother? Don't you trust her?" I asked. She just shook her head. "Well, why not?"

"I know she has my best interest at heart, but she's always pushing me to make new friends. She'd do anything to do that, so there's no way I'd be able to tell her anything personal." she replied. That just made me sad. I frowned. "What's wrong?" I guess she noticed it.

"I'm sorry. I had no idea you lived such a sad life."

"Oh, that's just the half of it."

"Then tell me more." 

"No way."

"Come on, you can tell me." I insisted.

"You must be dreaming if you think I'll spill my whole life story to you." she retorted. As if right on cue, my phone died as well. "What happened to 96%?" she said sarcastically. 

"Yeah, well, you take too long to answer simple questions." I retorted.

"Don't try to blame this on me!" she shouted playfully. I can't see her face very well, but I hope she's smiling right now. Hope being the key word, of course. Suddenly, we heard a ring. The ringing of a phone. "So you were lying about your dead phone?" she asked emotionless.

"That's not my phone." I paused. "It sounds like it's coming from downstairs."

"I'll go check." she said, walking away.

"Be careful." I warned her. "It's very dark down there."

~~Time Skip~~

"Jack!" I heard Ally's voice shout. "Your mom's on the phone!"

"On the phone?!" I shouted back, cautiously making my way downstairs. "So I was right?"

"Turns out my house has a land line. Like, on the wall." she explained. "I'm just wondering how she got our number. You don't even know it, right?" 

"It's true, I don't. But my mother is magical. She has this giant book full of all of her magic all secrets."

"You're saying that your mother has a spell book. Like I'd believe that. What, does she own a cauldron as well? Maybe even a flying broom?" she teased.

"No, I'm saying she has a phone book. Don't be so full of yourself." I replied, while taking the phone out of Alison's grasp. "Hello?"

"Sweetie, I'm so happy you're alright." she sighed. "I know you said you'd be over at a friend's house, but you didn't answer your phone."

"Oh yeah, I guess my phone must have been on vibrate, then it died. Sorry." I replied sheepishly. "Are you alright though? I know your not a very big fan of the dark." There was a long pause on the other end. I turned around to face Ally. All I could see was her outline, but by the looks of her posture, she looked very bored. I cupped my hand around the receiver part of the phone and asked her if she was in fact getting bored of doing nothing. I'm pretty sure she nodded, so I went back to my conversation in hopes of ending it shortly. "Mom, are you still there?"

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