Chapter 11 ~ Before the storm hits

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Ally's POV

"Quinn, give me back my phone!" I demanded. She was currently using my phone to text someone. Probably Jack. She had her flirting face on... a look I've seen too many times already. "What the heck are you doing anyway?"

"I'm getting you a date. A date with destiny... Who's name just so happens to be Jack." she cooed. "So far, all I know is that it's sometime next week."

"Did you really ask him out using my phone?" I whined. 

"Actually, he asked you out."

"That can't be right. How much you wanna bet that Asher's got his phone right now."

"Stop selling yourself short. He obviously likes you. I guess he finally grew a pair."

"Quinn!" I shouted. "I'm not going to go on that date. Have fun explaining that to him."

"Oh, you're going." Quinn smirked.

"What makes you think you can get me to go. There's nothing you can do to change my mind." I replied. She looked at me with a smirk plastered on her face, inching closer to me to whisper something in my ear. All she needed to say was a few words before my eyes grew wide and I glared at her. "You wouldn't dare."

"Oh, but I would. You think I'm bluffing? Go on, test me... see how that plays out for you."

"Fine. You win." I mumbled.

"Wait, if we're arguing with each other, who's manning the phone?" she asked as we both directed our attention to my phone that was left unattended on the coffee table. We both paused for a second, looked at each other, then ran towards the phone. We jumped over the couch to get it and our hands made it to my cell at the same time, but luckily, I had a better grasp on it.

'Look, I just found out next week's no good for me.' I typed, trying to spare his feelings. Quinn whacked my hand and caught the phone before it fell. I tried to get it back, but she was able to send another message before I could. 'But this weekend would be great!:)' She read aloud his reply, which was 'How about Sunday at 2. I'll pick you up at your house?' 

"Quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!" I whined. "You're so mean." I pouted. 

"And you're stubborn and oblivious. What's your point?"

"My point is that you need to stop meddling in people's love life."

"Oh, honey. What love life?" she retorted. "Wait, Jack!"

"What about him?" I asked.

"The chat." she muttered.

~~Time Skip~~

It is now 1 o'clock on Sunday. That just means one more hour before my forced date. Not only is it a forced date, but it's also my first date. Right now, I'm just listening to music alone in my room. I heard my bedroom door open and I turned my head in that direction. It was Quinn. She ran to me and gasped, "Ally! Why aren't you getting ready?" she shouted. 

"Because I still have an hour and, what was the other reason? Oh yeah, now I remember, I don't care."

"Come on, I know you've never done this before. I really want you to get all excited." she pleaded. 

"Stop trying to make Jally happen."

"You used Jally!" she squealed. "I'm so proud of you! Can I be a godparent?"

"What is wrong with you?"

"Hey, I'm just trying to stay close to my best friend. I don't want to lose you. Not again." Tears started to build up in her eyes.

"Is that what you're afraid of? If so, you've got nothing to worry about. I'll always be there for you, as long as you don't leave me." I said while giving her a tight hug. "Hey, would you mind helping me get ready. I am so inexperienced in these things." 

"Yay!" she chirped in excitement. "I already have three dresses picked out. I'm going to have to get you to try each of them on."

"Dresses?" I asked, already regretting my decision to let her help. 

"Of course! Now, go change into this one first." she exclaimed, shoving a dress in my face and pushing me into the nearest bathroom. When I got out, she made me twirl and stuff like that. She took mental notes and forced a different dress upon me. I did the same thing with all of the dresses and she finally settled for the first one... of course. 

It was actually quite nice

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It was actually quite nice. After she decided on the dress, she put me in hair and makeup. Curled hair carefully placed on my right shoulder and simple makeup. Light pink lip gloss and blue eye shadow with a bit of eyeliner, blush, and mascara. "Perfect! I think you're ready." Quinn said.

"Do you even know where we're going?" I asked.

"Umm... I guess that never came up." she replied sheepishly. 

~~Time Skip~~

The doorbell rang. I guess Jack is here, right on time. Man, that kid is punctual. I opened the door and we both kind of just stared at each other. It was silent, but not an uncomfortable silence. No, this was a pleasant silence. I could stay like this forever. What am I saying? Of course, I couldn't... I'm just doing this for Quinn. He was the first to speak. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks." I blushed. "You don't look too bad yourself. So, where are we going?" 

"I was thinking, we could take a walk in the park near here. It's beautiful outside, one which rivals yours." he responded. I nodded and he led me outside. I start walking and I can faintly hear Quinn and Jack whisper.

"Asher taught you how to sweet talk, didn't he?" Quinn asked, almost rhetorically. 

"Yep." Jack replied.

"Have fun on your date you two!" Quinn shouted before we got out of range. 

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