Muder in ship

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- lost in the sea, there are pirates, tired and no neither hope to continue, at the row forward always waiting arrive on an island alone.

- It's truth, neither place, and you know why? I said it... because I am John Escobar more better. - laughs. - I'm a cookie good all this crew, am a little skinny dark hair and curled, usually is this that my mother say to me everyday, I'm not so high, I'm no seem with him, but I know make anything right, my eyes are light brown, I haven't time look at mirror, I have a lot to do this cookie... - ah! I don't tell for you, we are someday look for a treasure, it is a treasure cursed, the captain do not have afraid, he just think on gold and concubines... - hey, you don't know the? The dizzy eye powerful... - oops I often call it so, what is name his... it's Willian Harassed the pirate red skull.

- Today is good day to me, it is a pity that for other crew can't say same it, their fates are drawn, and a muder this to happen and it will be today.

Catching sight of the horizon the island that both hope meet it, was in front come close into yours eyes and far, far way of hands, they engage in a haze the boat soon after sighting a beach. - put the feet's into pure gold. He thought the pirate William Harassed.

- It all was just a dream coming of your mind created by mist, the death silence that turn around all...

one strong scream of pain a knife into the stomach you tearing completely, there on high Dan's bucket head call for Jack's, Jack's no nothing say, among them, take courage to see who will go up and see what happened with Jack's, a voice of fear Jack fall out of high with a rope around his neck, all crew shoot up in mist no direction. - Wait, a moment. - say the captain dizzy eye. - He is there yet and be into mist flying

- It is as shadow in mist, moving fast launching an arrow in head of Mack's Hely the nose of toucan, all run for directions different, but this does not deter the killer start your massacre for all ship of Dizzy eye the captain, just I John's Escobar and the captain. - Oh! Yes, before I forget am hidden within the potato barrel.

- I try see on the hole in the barrel who was monster killer, but I get hear a voice shadowy saying for captain. - Neither being quadruped, bipedal and creeping will enter the island.

- The captain hurt saying to voice mystic. - Please don't kill me, I... I... promise not come back here, I don't want to die.

– Mercilessly obscure voice says. – captain this sweet lies, it's late now, goodbye...

– With the sword of the captain himself, he runs through the heart of William Harassed, John Escobar was afraid that not a voice came out of his throat, let alone if move to save his own skin. – My body still more my mind wanted to run the read far away, I closed my eyes.

To make sure everyone is dead the mystical being with green hood placed a bomb on the boat's captain dizzy pie, don't ask me why or how he managed to blow up the boat so fast, just know that I was the only the surviving ship and I here opening myself to you friends.

Guffaws it was that John received by his story. – I never hear very lies in an only story John. Really you are drunk it. – laughs of vinking old

– One of them comes close to John and asks. – Boy if you went through all this as escaped the explosion?

Everyone is silent waiting for John to say something. – Sorry mates and I do not know ... I ... I turned out just remember being inside the barrel after that I don't remember anything else.

All break out laughing and begin to sing a song of a young warrior who slew the great dragon.

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