Viking brothers

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In the castle Sarah this with the troubled mind, terrified she blames her mother.

- I don't think Margaret would be capable of such odacia, leave me this way, we won't say anything, she betrayed mother, betrayed all his family.

Romania tries to calm the queen. - My daughter has patience she's just a girl.

- That's your fault Mom? - Sarah shouted.

- Her husband comes next. - My love do not be so ...

-Sarah Revolts. - Has reason my love this is your fault. - She throws an ax towards the king, who barely manages to dodge the ax.

- Sarah my sweet ebony calm comes me open up.

- Nicholas his daughter destroyed years Treatise of peace between kingdoms.

- We can find another way, I was not happy with this marriage.

- Shut up Nicholas. - Sarah tightens the king's testicles kneeling whining. - sorry love.

The gates open guards enter the hall bringing news. - My queen, we lost in the forest.

- How much incompetence Balder. -Sarah Of a punch in the face of his warrior that kneeling.

- Lady I beg forgiveness. - Cried the warrior.

- One of the detached says softly. - Heard rumors they saw a girl dressed real entering a pirate ship.

- And why did not you say this before unhappy.

- Sarah plays the pitcher's head loose falling unconscious.

- Nicholas prepare his ship with his best men will leave in the morning, his daughter will pay me for all this grief.

- But few men have dear.

- Nicholas turns for help of those killed you call friends, will have to think of everything immediately call, I'll be ready in the morning.

- Balder up and warns the king. - Please, sir Nicholas convinces macaw, it hits very strong can't accompany us, by Odin.

- You are crazy wants her to kill me, she's furious send help to the nearest piece kingdoms to meet at the sea side, I'll prepare our ship.

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