The creator nymphs

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Navigating so close to an aphrodisiac Island Molly in gutter by the shore, one of the Viking warriors gives a signal with the hand of alert silently he summons General Bangor the older Viking warrior.

"General the sunset is already being born."

"What do I have to do with this warrior?"

"The boat is stuck on the island..."

Bangor jumps up and down.

"Teeerraaa view."

The Viking warriors prepare to attack the Molly ship, they surround the ship, and cautiously throw hooks to ascend silently the invasion begins... For hours they searched and searched the ship meeting only the old Ranscky Jr and his friend Walter. "If you want a decent death, tell me where to be with Princess Margaret." "Asked King Nicholas, with the face of a few friends."

Ranscky could scarcely explain himself with such fear, so Walter points to the island.

Bangor, his greatest warrior readies his troops, entering the forest without knowing the way, without knowing what the decision of King Nicholas. "Bangor, waits what you think you're doing?" "Cried Nicholas."

Nicholas and his queen prepare to enter the great forest on opposite sides of Bangor.

The merciful queen frees the old philosopher who in turn falls on his feet kissing the queen's feet as thanks.

Queen Sarah is gleaming with her diamond-studded robe and a bearskin wrapping her body, Nicholas stands with his feathered lion with his faithful lion positioned on his right shoulder and his golden colossal ax in his protection the largest berserk Forsetti.

Hugged to find the princess and they did not realize they were entering forbidden territory with each passing giant statues changed figures every one mile, they walk for hours until they realize they were being married.

"Stop all. Bangor says with a suspicious look."

"Look warrior... The sun is setting."

"We don't have time for this Bangor."

When the shadow touches the earth and the sky becomes night, strange beings will sprout on the surface.

"No, we fell into a trap, King Nicholas..."

The earth descends before his feet, between teeth dipping devourers...

Bangor is only cornered by the rock and the monster, astute he climbs on the stone riding on the giant monster, sliding between the moist skins with his ax, it opens explicitly creating a blood rain and parasites.

In sanguine Bangor is held by his warriors.

"it was very easy... Easy enough..." "Then two more worms resurge from below the earth this time their colors are darker, have eyes and limbs."

"As I foresaw... No, we can count two more."

Receiving coverage gaining passage, Bangor goes toward the warrior Thruko the youngest.

"ei, are you the apprentice from Burí?"

If you understand me, he responds by nodding his head.

"This is your first time, right?"

"Yes ... Yes ... Why are you asking me these things, this is not the time, we need to kill this monster. Says Thruko breathlessly."

"Calm down, listen to me first, boy, look at me, are you fast?"

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