We Don't Believe What's On TV

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"I need to know that when I fail, you'll still be here
'Cause if you stick around, I'll sing you pretty sounds,
And we'll make money selling your hair"


As if by some unspoken agreement, Phil and Grayson became a lot closer.

They'd never really hung out with each other before, both having bigger priorities in their life, and even though they were in the same band, it wasn’t like they actively sought each other out for company. They were friends, but they had stronger connections with other people, that weren’t each other.

But there was a new bond built between them now, a solid wall of trust that came with sharing their deepest and most threatening secrets with each other. Phil felt a lot more at ease hanging out with Grayson, not having to worry about accidentally mentioning his secret relationship with Dan, because Gray already knew, and he didn’t care.

“And I don’t even know why he does it,” Grayson was saying, sprawled across Phil’s bed and staring at the ceiling, his hands gesticulating wildly as he talked. “But every single time my shoes come untied, he steps on the laces. No warning, he just steps on them, and he thinks it’s so funny every time he does it. But it is cute when he laughs like that, he gets this weird crease near his eyes? Adorable.”

The only downside to these newfound meetups was the constant conversation about everything that had to do with Elliot. He didn’t think there was much else to know about the guy, but Grayson always came bearing some new detail that had very little impact on Phil’s life. He didn’t say anything against it though; he wasn’t much of a talker himself, and it seemed like Grayson needed to vent to someone about all of this stuff, having kept it to himself for so long.

“Are you still ignoring him?” Phil asked mechanically, more interested in his phone then paying full attention to his lovesick friend’s pining.

Grayson sighed from where he was lying. “Sort of, I guess,” he said lowly. “It just seems a bit awkward, trying to talk to him these days. I mean, he’s almost always with Audrey, and I don’t want to be a third wheel, that would be lame and pathetic. And we’ve never been good at texting each other, it’s always so boring that way.” He rolled over onto his stomach and groaned loudly into Phil’s pillows. “Why do hormones exist?”

Phil laughed, ignoring the glare Gray threw at him, and opened the text message Dan had just sent him with a grin.

“Not everyone can have a happy relationship like you and Howell, you know,” Grayson said. He only ever called Dan by his last name, which Phil suspected had something to do with his current resentment towards anyone with their own respective partner.

Phil didn't respond, biting his lip as he typed out a reply.

He didn't know if 'happy' was an adjective he'd use to describe his and Dan's relationship. At least, not these days. They were stable most of the time, but constantly toed the line of self-destructive. Phil loved being with him, he couldn't deny that in any way, and it was with desperate hope that Dan felt the same way, but everything was vague and uncertain as of late. Sometimes, he would say something that seemed completely innocent, but Dan would get this guarded look on his face that made Phil wonder what the hell he'd done wrong.

Maybe it was because Grayson now knew about them that was making him act so strange. Or maybe it was because Grayson was the only one who knew about them. Phil didn't like thinking about it much.

"Maybe you should just tell him," Phil suggested lightly, not looking up from his phone screen.

"You know I can't."

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