Gold Medal Ribbon

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"I swear that I can hear you in the wind
You're singing to me and you're
Dancing in the halls outside again
I'm always listening"


"Whose mouth gave you that?" Chris said obnoxiously, smirking as Phil immediately moved to cover the hickey that was most likely standing out against the pale skin of his neck. Damn Grayson and his enthusiastic teeth.

"Shut up," Phil grumbled, staring determinedly down at his notebook. "It's not like I'm a monk, I'm allowed to kiss other people."

Chris raised his hands in mock surrender. "Wasn't implying that. I just haven't seen you even look at other people in the last few months, let alone 'kiss' them."

Phil scoffed and didn't reply, but Chris kept talking, ignoring the glare he received in turn.

"I mean, you and Gray do seem pretty close lately..."

Okay, so maybe he froze at that, and maybe that gave him away. No one was supposed to know. It wasn't like they weren't hiding it, they just weren't...actively telling anybody about it.

"Oh shit," Chris said, smiling like he owned the world. "I fucking knew it, you filthy bastard."

"Fuck off, it's not that serious."

"How long?" He asked, leaning across the table curiously. They'd been sitting in the library in companionable silence, and now Phil was being interrogated within an inch of his life. "Oh jeez, don't tell me you two have been fucking this whole time. That would seriously downgrade my observation skills."

"Mind your own business," Phil said, throwing his pen across the table at his friend. "It doesn't concern you, so leave it alone."

"I think it does. I mean, finding out two of my best friends have been getting physical with each other for god knows how long?"

"Oh yeah, you wanna talk about friends getting physical? What about you and Elliot?" He was sure that was a low blow, but it wasn't like he'd been forbidden to talk about it.

Chris raised an eyebrow but didn't seem too offended by the accusation. "How do you know about that?" So apparently he hadn't forgotten about it.

But the answer arrived before Phil could say, Elliot dropping down in the seat next to him tiredly. "I'm ready for death," he announced, but paused when he realized that the both of them were staring at him. "What?"

"You told him?" Chris asked. It took Elliot a few seconds to realize what he was talking about, and then he turned to stare at Phil.

"You told him that I told you?"

"Well, I'm out," Phil said, smiling as he stood and gathered his stuff, heading for the exit. "Don't have too much fun, you two."

He ignored the sounds of protest from behind him, swinging the doors open and stepping out into the hallway.

The day was almost over, to his utter relief; any longer, and he'd be at the end of his mental capability. He only had Physics left, but his teacher had come up with the fine idea of spending the next few lessons getting caught up with all the material he didn't understand. So instead of wasting away in the back of the classroom, he was having 'independent study time' with Holden. Fun.

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