Michael Fassbender

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Michael promised you so much but when you said you would give him something in return he would just shake his head and give you a kiss on your forehead. You always got frustrated with him because he wouldn't except your offer.

"I mean it this time, Michael," you said as you crossed your arms and demanded his attention. "You've given me so much and I want to repay you in some way." He smirked down at you and planted another sweet kiss on your skin.

"No need too, sweetheart," your boyfriend said pulling you close into his chest. "Your love is all I need in return." You smiled at his words and rested your head on his shoulder where you dozed off in his warmth.

Soon enough you felt him shift in his chair as you lifted your head and found him asleep with his arms around your waist and his mouth open to let out soft snores. You placed your head back on his shoulder and fell asleep to the beat of your heart syncing with his.


Short and sweet!


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