Chapter 19: Not Again

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"Brenda, wake up."

I felt someone shaking my shoulder and my name being called. I didn't wake up because I thought it was just my mind, as if I was still asleep. But when it continued for quite a while, I knew it wasn't my dream.

My eyes stirred open slowly. I saw Tyreese standing above me. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and looking around. We were still in the cabin, and I could tell it was just about morning, because the sunlight shown through the blinds from the windows.

"You're a heavy sleeper," said Tyreese, snapping me out of my still sleepy daze.

"What is it?" I asked, ignoring his comment.

"We got to move," he told me.

"Why can't we stay here?" I heard Mika ask, and she came up to us, part of her hair in a tight braid. "We were safe from the walkers. Why can't we stay here?"

"This was just for the night, Mika." Tyreese explained. "There isn't any food here, nothing to keep us alive."


"Just listen to them, Mika." Lizzie interrupted her. We all looked at her, but she didn't say or do anything. What got her in such a bad mood?

Mika gave her older sister a look before walking away. I got up and gathered my weapons together. I wish I brought a bag from the prison with me. But it's not like we knew the Governor was going to attack that day. All this time, I had hoped that that was just a dream, a nightmare. But once Carl had gone missing, I knew that it wasn't a nightmare; it was real.

I physically smacked my head, cursing myself. I shouldn't be thinking of him. I tried my best not to think of him, and I am going to stick that way. I tried to avoid thinking if he was still alive or not. But thinking isn't going to do a damn thing. Neither is hoping, or wishing. Nothing will. I was just going to have to accept that I may never see him again. Might as well forget about him.

"All right, let's go." Tyreese announced.

He had Judith in his arms, who was awake but, thankfully, not crying. Lizzie and Mika left the cabin behind Tyreese, me behind them. I shut the door and walked along with them. We had no idea where we were going. Every time Lizzie or Mika asked when we were going to stop, Tyreese told them we were close to finding food or water. And every time he told them that, they got closer to realizing he was just saying that. They soon learned that we had no destination.

We walked for hours, and in silence the whole time. We came across a few walkers, and I took care of them because of the baby in Tyreese's arms. My shoulder was still wrapped, and whenever I moved it, I wince a bit. I keep forgetting that the wound hadn't fully healed yet.

Someone tapped me on the arm. I looked down and saw Mika. She was pointing behind me. I looked back and saw one walker staggering towards us, but he was way behind.

"Don't worry," I told Mika, looking ahead of me again. "He's not getting to us anytime soon."

She kept quiet, but every couple of seconds, she looked over her shoulder, as if that walker was magically going to be right behind us. I glanced at her face. She looked scared; her eyes were narrowed down with nervousness, and her lips formed a thin line, as if not trying to whimper. I felt bad for her.

I sighed and spun around, trudging towards the walking corpse. When I finally got to it, I took my knife from its holster and stabbed it in the side of its head. The walkers crumpled to the ground, falling limp. I kneeled down on my knee, checking for anything that was on the walker. But the only thing I found was a wallet. I inspected what was inside, only to find a couple of singles and a photo in the pocket. The man in the photo looked like the walker, but as a human being. He was side-by-side with a teenage girl. She was pretty, and she looked like the man. She must've been his daughter. I wonder what happened to her.

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