Going to space

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"Team I have a mission for you "said Fury.

"What is it Doctor Fury I haven't seen you like this since well never" said Tony

"First off don't call me that and second off you guys are going on a space ship to space" he said as if it was a good thing.

'WHAT!?!" said all the Avengers.

"With all repect sir I cant even ride a airplane"said Steve.

"And the other guy goes off on the spaceship"said Bruce.

"And can we even trust teens children" said Thor

The Avenger mumbled about it how it was such a bad idea.

"Guys"said Fury rubbing his bald head with his head down.

"What!"they all said.

"Steve we will get you some pills that will help you,Bruce we will put you to sleep and Thor i will bet you 10 buck thats they are the most trust worthy kids i have ever met"

" Dont say yes"joked Steve.

They laughed at Steve comment even Fury which was because he trick Steve.

"You are dimissed go pack the ship leaves in a hour"

The Avenger left and went to there room to pack for the trip to space.                   


" I cant believe that the Avenger are coming here"said Irene"Cant you"

"Sure I want a raging green monster,a god that immortal, a drunk and a old grandpa" said Joe

"hey that Steve Roger is talking about!"said Irene.

" Irene i think he is saying they are not the best people he would like to see on the ship"  I said silping my self in the bed covers.

"But they are superheros"said Irene.

"Yea we could be superhero too you know"

"No he couldnt" I said.

"Yes we could we already have names"

"Like what will i be the-"


"The Nurturer!"said Tony looking at the teens profile.

"What" said Natasha sitting next to Tony with Thor.

"Her name i mean her real name is Annie but people call her the Nurturer she has the power of elements and wings and unlimited supply of breast milk?"

"In Asgrad the women have that too during there pregnant season so the men can fully drink"

Tony looked at him in as if he was crazy" i have to go to Asgrad sometimes"

"Anyways where is Steve"said Clint.

"In the bathroom throwing up"

"umm ok are there any more Profiles" said Natasha combing a runaway strand form her hair.

"Um yea  there this one his name is the Engineer he can move stuff with his mind and and go find out passwords and fix machines"said Tony.

"What his name"said Thor.

" Joe and the other one is some named the Thunder Bolt he can shoot out Lighting his name is John"he said looking at the paper.

'Dont i dont that"said Thor looking at his hammer.

"Yea anyways and theres this other one her name is Child she is only four and her name is Irene"

"Does she have a power"said Natasha.

"Yea super speed"

" Is there any other files we ahould look at"

"Yea theres this one on what they take um all the older kids are so call genius they younger one is on first level of martail arts the rest are on top and here is the all about me Column"

The bathroom door open with Steve holding his stomach and the sound of the toilet flushing

"I wonldnt go in there" he groaned.

"Right timeing Steve because we are here"

In space with the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now