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When we came back on the ship Loki passed out and I was cleaning his wounds. The monkey thingy

was sleeping in the corner and Bruce was sitting down waiting for his hand to be wrapped.

"Are you done yet" asked Bruce.

"No, why does your hand sting"

"No I just very curious about the monkey like what's in him and what is he"

"Yea" I said looking at the words written on his stomach.

" I wonder who did this to him" I said rubbing his black hair.

"Maybe a space alien or something"

I laughed" That would be his first guess"

"WHERE IS MY BROTHER" said a strong voice storming out the door.

I turned around it was Thor "He is fine Thor" I said.

"He doesn't look fine" he said staring at him.

"He will be fine" said Bruce.

"Then wake him up"

" I cant"

"Nonsense" he said and grabbed the rag I was cleaning with and dripped the water on his face.

He woke up without his eyes open and started to cough.

"Thor stop"

He did as he was told and Loki cough up the water that he already had in his mouth.

"Thor take him to his cell"

"My Brother should not be-"

"Put him in his cell"


"Come Bruce lets go check out the..........." I tried to think of a good name for creature.

"Thing" said Bruce grabbing it and started to rock.

I stared at him how he rocked him like a little baby it reminded me of Irene when she was a baby. I loved to rock her all the time.

"Lets Go" I said knocking out of my daydream.


"Bruce come see this" I said looking at the screen with his blood in it.

He walked over with a rag on his hand " What is it"

" Look at his blood"

" Oh my god" he felt the screen and looked at the monkey "There Gamma in his blood how did he get Gamma in his blood!" he threw the rag down in anger.

"I wonder what he drinks"

"Probably Breast Milk"

I looked at him and he threw his hands up defenselessly "Sorry"

"Its fine" I said feeling the monkey cheeks "You know it is sort of cute"

"Yea ok" he said.

I twisted my lip and picked it up and rocked it "So what do you want to name it"

He looked at it and sighed "Monkey Hulk"

"But you don't even know if its a monkey"

"No but it looks like one"

"Which Monkey is green" I said

He laughed and walked towards the monkey in my arms "Can I hold him"

" Sure " I place the monkey in his arms.

And he stared at it with delight and rocked it combing his hair with his fingers. I even saw a tear

"Bruce why are you crying" I asked

"No" he said and place the monkey in my arms.

I smiled" Can I ask you a question"

" Anything"

"Why did you kiss me"

"Um" he place the monkey back on the bed and clasped his hands again.

" Sometimes when .. un I am done being the hulk.. I um ... get a little"

"Crazy" I said.

"Yes Crazy" he lied and started to clasp his hands.



"Why did you ask"

"Well you are five times older than me that's a little weird"

" You know I am not that older than you"


"Well you are 17 right"


"So I am 8 years older that you which in Earth is normal"

"So people who are in there 20 date people who are in there 50s"


I frowned that made me feel uncomfortable.

"So what are you saying" I said


" Then why did you say it"

 He looked at the ground and shook his head.

"I need to go" I said leaving the room.


Sorry i haven't updated in a long time but my aunt came over and my birthday tomorrow so every body wants to talk to me and tell me how lucky i am.

And if you know me i hate that. WELP, Bye

In space with the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now