Welcome Nick Fury

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Once I got a little bit more sleep I went to the lunch hoping that the Avenger would find there way there. When I got in the room I saw that they did well one of them he was Dr. Banner today he wore a yellow button up shirt and elastic pants and had a cup of coffee in his hands. I wanted to saw something but as I got closer to him I saw he was doing something writing in a journal maybe.

  Of course I brought a book about Gamma boss thinks that it will be good to learn more about Gamma so I could create a cure for the hulk. The reason I read it so I wont feel like a idiot when he talked about it.   Then I started to like it and BAM! I was crazy for Gamma, addict a fandom maybe. I went to the breakfast line and got a tray of fruits since I am a vegetation and a cup of milk then look back at the tables and saw that Mr. Stark was there and poured it out and got apple juice.

    "Hi Annie" said Tony before I got the chance to turn around.

"Hi Mr. Stark" I said smiling and turning around.

Dr. Banner chuckled softly" What's so funny Dr. Banner"

"Bruce, Bruce call me Bruce" he said almost as if he said that a million times.

"You can call me Tony I like that better than Mr. Stark they call my father that" he said looking down as if he wished he hadn't said that "Which brings me to the question to believe were are you daddy and mummy" he said in and mocking voice walking closer and closer to me like a scientist would.

 "I don't have one" I said placing my tray down.

"Come on you have to have one come on you must have some information about something you boss does he know anything um give me a hint is she a um something bad-"

"I JUST DONT HAVE ONE" I shouted I was mad I feeling that I didn't have in a long time Boss always said not to get mad or you will erupt the beast from below. I didn't know what it meant but every since then I never got mad never until today. Odd I know but I am immortals we do odd things.

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you" he said like that would make me feel any better.

I just stared at him I wonder who he though he was "Its fine we all make mistakes"

"Some of us make a lot and I mean a lot of mistakes" said Bruce.

"What do you mean by that  Dr. I mean Bruce "I said getting away from Tony so I wouldn't get mad again.

" Lets just say makes sure you keep him away from Alcohol ok"

"Ok" I laughed.

He curled his lip and formed a smiled that quickly turned into a frown as he turned his head. Then turned it back this time with a confused face.

"You. read .Gamma" he said taking breath between his words.

"huh," I looked down at the table and its was the book. I picked up the and hugged it and blushed and felt bad for myself for bring it in the room in the first place.

"Yea um my Boss thinks that I should learn it so I can um... create a cure " I said nervously.

"Well I doubt that I tried for years and I never came near" he took a breath and he poke his tongue with his lower mouth and continue" And I doubt I child would"

"A child" I said surprise "A child" I laughed "Well Dr. Banner-"


"WHATEVER" I said there eyes open  wider." You must have not met a lot of children because these children are far smarter than both of you combined so maybe you should watch out" I said.

Bruce had wide eyes and I guess it was time to go so I did I got my book and left I was going to my room to change again. But Steve stopped me in the halls he looked sicker this time like he didn't get any sleep.

"Steve are you ok" I said softly.

"Yea just a little nausea" he said leaning up against a wall.

"Did you get any sleep" I said placing my hands on his cheek it felt normal so did his forehead.

"No so I went to the gym and got some exercise"

"And that's helps?"

"No, but nothing goes wrong with good practice right"

"Yea I guess so"

"Dont you guys do any training"

"Yea well we run a mile together then see which one will come in first place and are times of course Irene gets first place all the time but when she is off to sleep sometimes me and Joe end up running. "

"What else" he said directing himself to a bench to sit down I did the same.

"Well then we start marital arts and we have this hover person who you have to try to beat and he or she gets harder every time"

"Dont you ever get to fight real people"

"Some-" I was interrupted by the intercom.

"Annie please report to the front deck"

"That must be Nick Fury" I said.

"Ok well bye Annie maybe we can talk again"

"Yea I will like that" I said standing up.

He did too and reached out his hands I guest for a hand shake. I did as he wished then left down the hall.


When I saw Nick Fury it wasn't just him it was 2 people dressed in suits. I already talked to him but I though it was going to be just him. Instead it was Agent Maria, Coulson. There was also a man dress  in a suit with I guess a something to shut up and chains

"Welcome Nick Fury and who is this"

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