Camp PART 3 (last part i think)

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Silence  that was all I heard after Tony question that was it.

"Are you" he repeated "First I see you too making out in the emergency room next in the hall and now I see you too cuddling together it just" said Tony.

" To tell you the truth Tony I don't know" said Bruce.

I looked over at him his face was serous.

"Ok then why do I see you making out with her" he spoke as if I wasn't there.

"You cant tell me you never kiss a girl that was younger than you"

"Yes I have but -"

"So what's the different we are only 8 years apart"

"That's a lot"

"No its not" He said his voice was getting angrier and angrier.

"Bruce maybe you should go on a walk"

"Maybe I should" he said getting up and I watched as he walked away and looked back at Tony.

"You don't want to follow him to make out with him some more"

I pushed him out of anger and got up and went into my tent. I wasn't tried due to my dreams so I just sat there and talked to myself until I got tried and feel asleep.

I don't know how long I was a sleep but I was a awaken by a scream. I ran out of my tent then followed it. I took myself on a path that I never been on.


Black smoke went around my head.

"Bruce where are you"

"Right here"

I turned my head then cringed at the sight of what I saw. it was Bruce his body lay with cuts and scars on his body.

"Bruce what happen"

"You happen' he said

"What do you mean I happen"

Laugher that was all I heard Bruce has disappeared. I didn't know where I spread out my wings and started to fly up maybe I could find somebody in this dream. Black smoke went into my leg and pull me down head first. I landed hard on the ground there was no pain that how I guessed it must of been a dream. I closed my eyes and then heard foot steps I open there was a man with the clawed feet. He grabbed me by the shirt and held me there.

"What do you want" I said.


"I told you I am not giving him to you"

He threw me against the tree and it didn't hurt but I stay there mainly because I couldn't move.

"Where is Bruce" I said tears fell down to my face as he walked closer " What do you want with me" I cried.

"From you nothing"

"Then tell me.. who, who are you and don't show be your hands or feet show me your face"

"You wouldn't know what I am or who I am"

"Then show me who you are1"

"Not yet" he said walking off "When we met again I will show you and I will take you to your future and your life will change forever." he said and disappear in the air. I guess the dream was over so I closed me eyes and I was back to my regular life. I was in my tent and I guess it was dark. I came out it was a fire and Bruce, Tony and Steve were sitting outside of a campfire.

"Hi tinker bell how was your nap" said Tony as I carried myself out of the tent.

"Dont call me that" I said as I looked at Bruce and a tear drew from my face.

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