Camping Part 1

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We all just sat there doing nothing just sat there in the library. Bruce, Tony, Me and Steve. It was so awkward silence so awkward that I started talking to myself.

"Who are you talking to" said Tony

I sigh I was glad he asked "Nobody"

Bruce stared and Tony nodded and looked away.

"So Annie when did you start learning about Gamma"

"Well are Boss told me that I should learn about so I can create a cure for the hulk, then i just wanted to learn more and that's how I became addicted to Gamma"

"Just don't injected it into you like Bruce did you may turn into the hulk" joked Tony.

I didn't see the joke in what he said but he though it was funny I think everyone did wasn't long until I did.

"Or Worst" joked Steve.

We all stopped and stared at the ground" You ruin the mood Steve"

"I though it was a good joke"

"Oh Steve um how are you doing"

"Good, Good   I think that it is on and off"

"Yea well anytime from now it should be all the way off" I said.

" You know we should go out there" said Steve.

"Go out where" said Tony.

"Out Planet just to go camping for a day come on we have a full day and we are going to do nothing" said Steve.

" I am all for it I didn't get to go on it" said Tony.

"I don't know there are a lot of things on that planet and some maybe people" I said.

"Why do you say that tinker bell" said Tony.

"Dont call me that-"

"Geez just trying to make a nickname"

"Anyways when we found Loki the words Beware were cut on him and his suit was gone"

" Yea well maybe he did it to trick us" said Steve.

"I don't think so he passed out and started to throw up even you were there"

"Yes I was" said Steve in disgusted.

"So do you want to go or not we have superpowers so we are protected and all" said Tony.



We took the step onto the planet and as soon as we did it began to rumbled. This time we all had backpacks and Steve had the camping stuff. Mine has first aid kits and Bruce,Tony had water and food.

"Lets go" said Tony. We walked to the spot with the waterfall and the fruit.

Steve set up the camping

"You want to go on a walk" said Bruce.



We were walking hand in hand. It was hard to tell how it happen walking hand in hand it was just like it just happen. I worried if this was a date I was afraid to  ask him.

"So is this a date" I said ( it sort of busted out)

"Yea I guess it is" he said.

I turn my head for him to not see my blushing .

"Unless you don't want it -" he said

"I do" I said he looked over at me and smile the lean in for a kiss I close my eyes the reopen.

We were not in the forest anymore I was in the white box but this time the I was kneeing on the ground. What surround me was knifes at least 50 of them. When I tried to grabbed them my hand went right thru them.

"What is this"

"My knifes" said a voice.

I looked up I knew who it was the person in my dreams the man with the cloak.

" Where are you" I said looking around 'Why are you doing this to me" I said

'Oh I am simply in the air and my darling it will all stop if you just give me one thing"

"And what is that"

There was a silence then just my breathing and his

"Bruce "

 "And if I say no"

"Lets just say I he will be in gone"

There was a silence again.


"Or what"

" I can have  you"

"What do you mean by have me"

"Torture you in everyway possible"  


" Starting Now"


Any ways so I got 33 reads so that awesome and um lets see TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY no happy birthday really anyways I am thinking about starting over one of my old book Captain America Assistant. It was from one of my old accounts and that was when I had to write on my kindle and spelling was really bad with the plot so yeaa and this other book. I am also thinking about shutting the account down and deleting the books on it.  Read my books on there you will understand anyway bye my beautiful people.


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