The End (i mean the really the end)

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He held me closer every second this was the last time I will see him.

"You know you can always come" he said touching my cheek.

"You know I cant leave John, and Irene here" I said.

"We can come" said Irene and John.

Bruce smiled like they don't got a problem with it .

"Ok" I said pressing him close again.

I turned and looked at Loki and look back at Bruce.

"No we are not taking a villain to earth AGAIN" he said.

"But he is the father of my baby" I said looking at both of them.

"Come on Loki" he walked over in a confused way.

Hugging him I haven't seen him in days finally I can.

We boarded the ship no problem it was the best feeling ever. Irene was jumping around the room screaming that we were going to earth. A gently though crossed my mind and I guessed it crossed Bruce's too.


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