Flashes, Dashes and Unexpected Kisses Part 1

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Annie Pov.

We were back on the ship me and Bruce though it would be best for us to sleep in are beds. I didn't know he meant together but I didn't care. With his arms wrapped so carefully around me I don't know who would. He talked in his sleep too it was silly things most of the time just a equation then things started to get weird.

"Annie why didn't you tell me!" he screamed and flip over his arm off of me. I just looked over at him he was crying 'But Annie I love you don't you love me but you love that other man"

"Bruce I do love you" I said pressing my hand on his cheek.

"Then why are you why are you" he said starting to get breathless.

"Why am I what" I said getting curious.

He woke up and looked at him hands then at me and started to breath hard.

"Bruce what happen" I said.

"I had a really really weird dream and and  I cant even explain" he said his breathing getting harder.

"Ok Bruce  you need to calm down please"

He started to breath a little harder then calm down again finally.

"Good What happen" I asked.

"I don't want to talk about it " he said getting out of the bed and shaking his head.

"Oh was it something about me" I said.

"Yes and I need to get dress bye Annie" he walked out the room something was really bothering him. Maybe he had the same dream I did or maybe it was about me. What did he mean why don't you love me I did love him.

I walked out of my dome once I was done dressing I went out to my dome and saw Loki was standing in front of my door. Out of habit I looked side from side to see if anybody else was there. There wasn't I closed the door quick but before I did he grabbed in and walked in.

I remember when what Bruce said about Loki he was Frost Giant and if he attacked me burn him.

I form ball of fire in my hands "Stand away"

"Annie I need to talk to you" he said.

"Talk one step forward and I will burn you" I said.

He stopped and started to stay where he was.

"Annie I have to talk to you"

"Stop saying that!"

"Then listen to me" he screamed.

"You think you have the right to get angry at me!" I said stepping forward.

"Yes I do!"

"Are you serious who do you think you are talking to be in that tone!" I  screamed   confused him with Irene.

"I am Loki God of-"

"No really who do you think you are talking to me walking through my door without my permission, kissing me for at least 20 second"

He grabbed me by the waist and to make things odder then he kiss me. I push and pull but his grip was to tight. Burning him tightly on the arm. He fell straight the ground his face was red and he was holding his arm.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you" I screamed.

He was too in deep with his pain in his arm to answer me back.

" I am sorry" he said sitting up his arm was really burned.

"What is wrong with you" I said a bit calmer.

"I don't know" he said breathing harder "I been having dreams they tell me about my future" he said.

"Ok so what does that had anything to do with kissing me"

"You wouldn't understand" he said and looked away for a quick second the looked at the door and disappear.

"Wait!" I said the door creak open it was Irene she wore a night gown still which was weird since it was at least 12:00 it must be a lazy day.

" Hi sweetie how are you doing" I asked picking her up and walking her out of the room.

"Good where were you"

"I went camping with Tony,Steve,and Bruce"

"Did Thor come" she asked.

"Later on yea why"

"Just worrying"

"I guess Loki came to "

"Yea" I said turning into the lunchroom.

"I am not hungry though "

"Well you have to have breakfast" I said looking around to see who was there Bruce,Loki, and Thor they all sat on together talking to each other.

"Hi Annie Hi Irene" said Loki he had that grin that made me want to punch him in the face. I pulled Irene down and oddly she went into Bruce's lap and sat there which was a little odd for her.

I grabbed a tray for me and Irene and sat between Bruce and Loki.

"So Loki how did you appear in the woods?" I asked he looked confused that I was even talking to him.

"Um I was just put there you could say. It was almost like a dream everything skips then there was this man with a cloak it was black he was claws and started mumbling something then started to cut me I tried to get free of the ropes but it wouldn't break then I guess I was out of it" he said.

I looked over at Bruce "Why are you two looking at each other "

"No reason Irene how about you go and play" I said.

'Fine! But when you need super speed I will not be there" she said storming out.

"So Irene is your child" said Thor.

"No more like sister"

"So you let your sister roam the ship "he commented.

"She been on here all her life" I said.

"Has she been on the outside of it all her life".

That made me think I was about to answer then Bruce made a comment himself.

"The Monkey!" he said then ran off.

"Bruce!" I screamed running after him he enter the lab and I did the same.

"What!?!" then I remember the monkey he lied almost lifeless body.

"Get me a rag" I said.

Bruce went into drawers and pulled out some blue rag.

I started to breastfeed him and place the rag gently on my chest.

"He should be fine but for now on we take him everywhere got it"

"Got it" he said the kissed me gently on the lips then let go,

We heard some chooing and ahhing I guess it was the monkey.

"Now what are we going to name him for real"

"I don't know its a boy right"




"Umm Israel"

"Something better"

"How about Gerald"

"Um that would do for now"

"Yea I guess it would"

"So um how are those dreams coming"

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