Flashes,Dashes,and Unexpected Kisses PART 3

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Today was like any other day. I woke up and kiss Bruce (yes we do sleep in the same room). Then go into the bathroom to change. By that time Bruce is awake and is feeding a bottle to Gerald. While I go and wake the others. Everyone is asleep so I though Loki wasn't. He was behind me

"What do you want this time" I said turning around.

"Annie I need to tell you something"

"You been saying that for weeks Loki but every time I ask what you say never mind and walk away"

He shook his head and turned "Are you sick" I continue even though he was a asshole I was worried about him. I guess how any nurse would be.

" I don't know" he said feeling his head over the past weeks scars started to appear on his arms and legs he said its from the planet but I cant be sure.

"Loki I am a nurse you need to tell me these things if there some physical or even mentally happening to you, you need to tell me"

"I know but" he said this was the first time I ever seen him cry "If I tell you then it will hurt you and if I don't tell you it will hurt me" he said.

I tighten my lip then loosed it as he turned his head to wipe off some tears and turned back.

" That's where all those scars are coming from?"

He tighten his eyes shut.

"Is it from Tony"

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This time I said it calmer and more gentle "Yourself".


"Then who is it" I said resting my hands on his shoulders shaking him.

" He doesn't have a name he wears a cloak its black sometimes and sometimes its red and he has claws and clawed feet" He said looking straight into my eyes.

" Is it the same guy that hurt you last time" I asked.


" Is he the guy that causing all these scars on your body".

He nodded,

"Could you tell me why" I said.

"He said if I didn't tell you something he continue to torture me "

" Then tell me"

"Ok but if I do you must promise not to get mad"

"I promise"

"Remember that time when I said I remember you"


"Well I had dreams back then oh crazy things like there's this girl that I am with I never seen her  face until that day and it was you then all those crazy things I did with her weren't that crazy anymore"

"Like what "

He started to breath harder as the island rumbled a bit more. "Play in the meadow" as he said it, it was like we were there.

"Do you see that"



"Um sometimes we kiss  well really all the time"

"Oh ok Loki could you stop"

"Yes why"

"My head it hurts" I said falling to the ground. It was like it didn't stop. I couldn't think right and when I tried it just ended in Voices.

"Well Annie you though that are little meets are done think again" I knew who he was but this time he showed a different face other than the cloak. It was almost beautiful  it was almost Joe .


Yea! So this is the point where everything goes wrong and stuff so anyways and I got some other ideas so maybe it will make it to twenty chapters anyway Question I don't have one again unless you want this one

What is your favorite animal ?

Mine is a eagle

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