Tony dont touch that!

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"Annie, Annie are you ok"

I woke up from my dream I guess in Bruce's arm with a concern look on his face.

"Yea" I said felling my head.

He took my wrist" What is this" he said looking at the cut.

" What!?!" I whisper" I thought was just a dream"  .

" What, What do you mean"

"In my dream there was a man in a cloak he said that he would show me his hands and when he showed it too me. It wasn't a regular hand it had claws and it cut me but I though I though-" I said touching my own face wondering what happen.

"Maybe" he sighed" I don't know" he got up and looked over at Loki.

"How long was I asleep" I said standing up looking at Loki myself he was asleep buried in his legs.

"No more than 2 mins lets go to the main base I think we are needed there" he said

"Ok" I said making my way towards the door.

"Great "and he grabbed my hands a we started to walk towards it.

When we made are way close to it I had to ask him a question.

"That's what you do on earth" I asked


I looked at his hand connected to mine.

" Oh I am sorry I didn't know it made you feel uncomfortable" he said letting go of my hand.


"Annie" said Irene she was running towards me with her arms out. I remember that I hadn't seen her almost all day.

"Hi honey" I said picking her up she wrapped her hands around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder (She must be tried).

Bruce smiled and look down like he was deciding something" She is your daughter" he said.

"No" I said propounded at what he said he must of say in my face" Why would you think that I am barley 17"

"You are 17' this time he sounded propounded.

"Yea why I look older"

"No you look .. 15"

"Yea I guess I do umm" I saw Joe and John coming this way" Did you met Joe and John".

"Yes" he said smiling and shook there hands.

"Um Annie you are needed in the space room there is something Nick Fury wants to talk to you about" said Joe.

"Um ok Bruce you want to come"


"Bruce you are going to love this" I said as I slowly open the door.

Once I open it his eyes open wide un the front there was a view of space and the stars. Thor, Steve, and I think drunk Tony all were there.

"Hi there Greeny" sneered Tony.

"Tony let me smell your breath"

"Ok" he breath his hot breath in my face.

"Yep he is drunk" I said holding my nose.

He started to walk off I didn't know where but when he can back he was in are reach and I wanted him to stay there.

I was too focus on Tony to see that Bruce was staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me" I said.

"No reason so I was thinking about the cure-"

"Hey Annie what does this do"


 It was too late. He had pressed the button and we had gone into hyper speed I fell to the grown to stand my grip. But Bruce didn't know about that and went flying somewhere I couldn't move and I had to hold on to Irene so she did go flying.

We crash I didn't know where but we crash" TONY!" 

He started to laugh

"What was that?" said Nick Fury.

"Sir it was hyper speed we use it to get out of situation that are too hard for us to bare" said John

I started to walk off I need to find the Bruce.

"And where do you think you are going"

"I am sorry sir I need to fine Bruce"

He nodded as me and John left for the halls I let go of Irene and let her run off somewhere. When we made it too the halls it had the most damage.

"Where is the guy" said John.

"BRUCE" I said when I saw him. He had a machine on him and a head wound.

Running towards him I tried to lifted the machine off of him but it wouldn't come off. Then John help me and finally it came off of him.

He started to cough like he was loosening air and start to roll around at first I though it was because of the pain but then he turned Green and I got the clue.

" Go tell everyone I will be in the emergency room with Bruce they should get the clue"

"Ok" he said starting to run.

I gave Bruce arm and wrapped it around by shoulder for those who didn't know the emergency room is another room for situation.

It has anything to last for day and steel walls that can take anything. But can they take the hulk. 

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