Meeting Lucas Friar

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Maya POV

Another day on set! Yasss! Hi I'm Maya Hart. I'm on a show called Chick Meets Universe. Its the sequel to Dude Meets Universe. Its basically a show about Rose Matt (played by my best friend Riley Matthews) and Megan Love (played by me) taking on the universe.

I've always wanted to be on a show to help provide for mom and well I love the arts. Art,Theater, and music are my favorite things ever.

"Hey Maya, looks like Megan will have a new love interest!" Riley said showing me her script.

My character Megan only had 2 love interest. One was just a few months romance and the other was her boyfriend for a whole season but he ended up cheating on her. My character is not good in the love department but nether am I.

I had a boyfriend who was a singer. We even had a duet together. We broke up because we we're too busy to have a simple date. I been single ever since. He's the only boy I let get deep in "Mayaville".

"He's played by... Lucas Friar..." Riley said slowly.

Wait the biggest jerk in the business? God I used to have a crush on him before he joined the list of child stars gone bad.

He's been in the business since he was in dippers. He had his first kiss with a super model and dated her for a while after. Then when he turn 18 he did what every kid would do when they have money but no idea how to spend it. He got a DUI and did a ton another of stuff.

"Wait why couldn't he be your love interest?" I say in anger.

"Hey!" Riley yelled.

"I'm sorry but I don't want to kiss Ranger Rick!" I yell.

Riley and I call him Ranger Rick because he was in this show about him being a ranger and in Texas like in the 19th century. Its was completely unrealistic but Riley and I loved it! It got canceled when he got a DUI.

"I get it! Let's go talk to Jacob about replacing Lucas." Riley says as she grabs my hand and we go to his office.

Jacob Michael is the writer and creator of the show. He also can hire and fire anyone.

"Jacob can we talk to you?" I say smilling.

"Of course!" Jacob said nicely.

"Why did you hire Lucas Friar?" Riley said with a straight face.

Riley and Jacob have a really good relationship. She is really honest with him. Mostly because he can't fire Riley she is the face of the show.

Like you wouldn't notice if the supporting character got cut but you would if the main character did.

"Because he is a very talented actor and he fits the character perfectly!" Jacob said.

"And?" Riley said not convinced.

"And he one of my buddies are thinking of putting him of a movie as the star but since they don't know if they can trust his acting ability they wanted me to test him on the show." Jacob confessed.

"And you agreed to it?" Riley said clearly upset.

Why is Riley more upset than me? Is there something I don't know?

"He can add more viewers to the show! Also Maya if you and him have amazing chemistry he'll make you a lead in the movie too!" Jacob said in happiness.

"Who is this friend of yours?" I ask.

"Nicholas Sparks!" Jacob said with a huge grin.

"Like the writer of the Notebook Nicholas Sparks?" Riley asked while I was freaking out.

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