Meet Missy

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"So, Maya, how have you been?" Riley asked with a hint of nervousness in her voice. "I saw you like a hour ago, Riley. I'm pretty sure you know my state of mind by now." I tell Riley, rolling my eyes.

It's like she is hiding something.. Probably has something to do with Lucas and I. She only becomes 'Match Maker Matthews' when Lucas and I have a problem.


I'm not sure what I'm doing but Riley says it will help me win Maya back and right now that's all I want. Then again why am I trusting the girl who locked me on a closet? Well her locking us in a closet did end up with me asking Maya about New York which lead to the trip to New York...

So I guess she knows what she is doing.

"Lucas, so after this want to meet some friend of mine? You can invite Maya if you want." Missy whispered to me.

"Um.. Sure." I whispered back just to keep her quit.

Riley told us to keep quiet so that way Maya won't hear us. Riley will then convince Maya to go into her bedroom so that Missy and I can leave the house. We then some back and knock on the door, Maya opens, and Missy and I act like a couple.

Maya gets jealous and then Missy 'breaks up' with me in front of Maya. I then ask Maya if she want to come to my apartment and she'll say yes. Then I win her back at my apartment and happily ever after...

God, I sound like Matthews.

I really need to stop spending time with her.


"Peaches do you want to see Auggie's new toy?" Riley asked me as a desperate attempt to get me up stairs. "Riley, he's like twelve. Don't you think he's a little too old for toys?" I say as I go to the kitchen and grab a banana.

"NEVER!" Riley said, shocked I even consider that.

"Eww your banana's are brown.." I muttered as I threw away the banana in her trash can. "Can you just go to my bedroom and wait as I make us a snack?" Riley asked, trying to get me away.

"I guess." I say getting out the kitchen. I walk up the stairs about to pass the bathroom to go to her room but then I hear whispers. Normally I would just think of something creepy like that as a sign from the universe that death is coming or something but this time I'm curious.

I open the bathroom door to find... No one.

No one at all. That's quite strange but I just close the door and got straight into Riley's room.


"Missy, get up Maya's gone." I tell her. Missy and I are hiding behind Riley's bath curtains so Maya wouldn't see.

"I'm up." Missy muttered as she moved to to the other side of the bath. Then Riley walked in and whispered "Guys quickly go!"

Missy and I gave each other one last look before quietly running out, going down the stairs, and leaving Riley's house. Once we were out of sight I ask Missy "Ready to go back and act like a couple?"

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