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"Happy Birthday, pancakes." Lucas said, this time with a smile.

"Thank you, huckleberry."

Five Years Later

"Riley's over the top wedding album arrived ." Lucas said handing me Riley's wedding album.

Farkle proposed to Riley about six months ago an they got married just two months ago in Greece. I'm really happy for her, honestly. Farkle's a great guy and they are perfect together. They seem really happy together too.

"Can I tell you something and have you not freak out?" I ask my on and off boyfriend of five years in our apartment bedroom.

"Yeah, sure." Lucas replied to me as he put the book down on a chair and walked towards me slowly. "Well, you know my recent pilot of a show about some singer who want to be famous but seems to make it?" I say as I sat on our apartment bed.

"Yeah." Lucas said as he got up off the floor sat on the bed next to me. I smile nervously and replied "We'll the show is turning into a movie." I say almost in a whisper. 

Lucas started hugging me and then let me go and said "We'll that's what you had to tell me? Congratulations!"

"Here's the thing the movie is being filmed in London. It's will take about a year to film the movie which means a year in London." I explain as I watched Lucas's expression change from happy and proud to worried and disappointment.

"I don't want to give this up it can really move career up another five levels." I say getting up and roaming the room with a worried expression. "But I don't want to leave you here and I know you have to say here because of the Texan Life spin off."

Lucas got up and walked towards me and said "We live in the age of technology! We can make this work!"

"Promise, huckleberry?"

"Of course." Lucas replied. "How about we go celebrate your new movie?"

"I love you." I say as I grab his hand and me start walking out to leave the apartment.

"I love you too." He replied.

I don't know if the whole long distance thing will work. I don't know if in twenty years well still be together. I do know that we love each other and he makes me very happy.

So what ever happens in the future I just hope I'm as happy as I am now.

That's the end of My Fake Romance. I know it's really short but I felt it just needed to be a quick catch up on Lucas and Maya.


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