Welcome To New York

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A Week Later

"Lucas, are we there yet?" Maya said every five minutes like a 7 year old.

"Like I said five minutes ago, no. If you're that curious then go ask the pilot." I reply annoyed.

"No, I'm too tired." Maya mumbled.

"Ladies, gentleman, and others in 20 minutes well be landing in New York.

"Finally." I mumbled.

Maya just smiles and went back to sleep.

Looks like my plan is working. Matthews isn't the only one who can make a great plan.


"So this your apartment, Maya." I asked.

"I know it's a little small and old but other than that it's a pretty good place to stay for a while." Maya said, putting her suitcase on the table.

This wasn't exactly what I was expecting when she said she had a apartment in New York but I guess its okay.

"Maya want to get food I know a great place." I say as charming as possible.

"I know a better place to eat." Maya replied.

"Really? Do you want to make a bet, Penelope Clutterbucket." I say with a tiny smirk.

  You don't have to be a genius to know if i say Penelope ClutterBucket one more time she would kill me, literally.   

"First of all how the hell did you find that out and two I would like to make a bet, Lucas Warbucks Friar." Maya yelled in anger at me.

HOW DID SHE KNOW MY MIDDLE NAME IS WARBUCKS? My dad just really liked Annie and my middle name was ether going to be Annie or Warbucks.

"How did you know my middle name was Warbucks?" I yell back.

Maya just smirks and replied with "Google know everything. How did you know about Penelope Clutterbucket?"

"Like you said, Google know everything." I smirked back.

Maya then turns around and starts mumbling stuff like "I thought i made google change that."

Whatever that means i don't care but my plan is working and that's all i care about. What's my plan? You'll find that out soon.

"Hart, show me your "great" restaurant. I'm hungry." I say.

"Fine, Let's go to a place i like to call, Topanga's." Maya smiles.


I'm sorry that this chapter is so short but it's more of a fuller chapter! What did you think about this chapter? I honestly love to read comments so if you get the time to comment i would appreciate that. Anyway please VOTE and stay tuned for another chapter.

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