Meeting The Friars

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"So, how are you and that Maya girl?" My mother asked me over breakfast. She ate her pancakes as I say "We're great, mom."

My mom only thinks Maya and I are fake dating and that's it. She doesn't know that our fake relationship is a bit more real now.

"You know, your father and I started fake dating when we were your age and look at us now, happier every day!" My mom said. I rolled my eyes before answering "Mom, I would love to here about you and dad but I got to go."

"Lucas, wait a minute." My mom says. "You should invite Maya over tonight, maybe?"

Should I? Maya and I aren't even very serious but I guess it's about time. The worst thing that could happen would be if my parents embarrasses me so much in front of Maya and she runs and never talks to me again.

"Okay, I'll think about it. Call you later." I answer. I got up and grabbed my keys off the counter and left. I drove straight to Maya's apartment to pick her up.

We're supposed to do some interviews for different news outlets today. They are probably going to ask "so are you dating?" And well say yes.

I walk inside Maya's apartment building to find her in the lobby sketching. "Hey, Maya." I walk over to her. She quickly closes her sketch book, gets up, and smiles. "Let's get going cowboy." She grabs my hand and drags me to my car.

We get inside and I start driving. "Maya?" I ask Maya who is currently starring out the window. "Yeah?" Maya replied. "Why do you call me a cowboy? I'm not from Texas, I just played a guy who was a ranger in Texas." I ask.

"Huckleberry, don't questions my logic." Maya replied with a smirk. I just replied with a smile and said "okay, pancakes."

Maya just laughed and responded with "Pancakes really? Where do you even come up with this stuff?" I said "You're a short adorable pancake, Maya."

"You just called me adorable." Maya pointed out.

"And?" I say.

She just smiled and the rest of the ride included us teasing each other like always.

"Ready, Friar?" Maya asked.

"Yep." I replied.

We walk inside the building fast and find our publicists waiting for us in the lobby. Maya and I share the same publicists and acting agency by the way.

"Hey Piper!" Maya said happily to Piper.

"Oh hey Maya and Lucas! You guys ready?" Piper asked while putting her brown hair into a pony tail. "Yep." Maya and I replied at the same time.

Piper lead us to a room full of news reporters. She pushed Maya towards some reporters and me towards other ones.

"So Lucas let's just get into this, I'm Linda." Some twenty something year old with dirty blonde hair said. "Yeah, sure." I replied.

"So describe your character on Chick Meets Universe." The lady asked. I answered with "He's a nice guy who meets Rose and Megan in art class and He really likes Megan."

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