A Birthday Surprise Part Two

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Finally done. I finished my make up, hair, and outfit for my birthday. I was wearing a simple black dress and my hair in loose curls. This party could only go to ways, amazing or awful so I mind as well look great.

I get my phone from my desk and text Riley to see where the party is.

Maya: Did you finally pick the place to have the party??

Riley: Yeah but I need to tell you something

Maya: what is it

Riley: where a mask and I'll have someone drive you there.

Maya: okay

Maya: as long as it's not you know who then it's fine I guess.

Riley: gtg!

I turn off my phone. That was weird but Riley was probably busy and she needed to go. I look at my phone to check the time.

6'o clock

Looks like I have some time to wait. I'll just go grab a old mask and put it on an wait I guess


That was a close one. I hope I didn't give away that the special someone is Lucas. He's going to be driving her.

"Has Lucas finally picked a mask already?" I ask Zay, who came out of the other room where Lucas was.

"Almost, did you get the cake?" Zay asked me as he look around and admire the decorations in the restaurants

"Yep, it's in the fridge." I answered with a tiny smile.

"Okay, I'm Lucas said as he walked towards us.

Lucas had on a simple black tux with a tiny black mask over his eyes.

"So you drive Maya here so you know what she looks like, then you start to be friendly, and at midnight you reveal yourself." I tell Lucas the plan.

"Okay." Lucas replied.

"Well let's get starting then." Zay said starting the plan.


Beep beep

Finally the driver is here already. I been waiting in my lobby forever. I go outside and see a guy in simple black suit opening the door for me.

He's quite cute faraway.

I walk closer and he seems to be smirking but I don't know why.

"So your going to drive me to my party, right?" I ask the cute guy.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" The cute driver answered. He sounded a lot like Lucas but that could just be my ears. I probably just miss him or something.

"No, it's nothing." I said as I get inside the limo. "You can tell me." The guys said as he got into the car and started driving.

"It's just you sound a lot like my ex." I say, with a awkward smile. "Yeah, why don't you tell me about him?" The guy asked nicley.

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