"Lucas, you have to make her jealous."

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"And that's what happened, Riley." I explain to my confused best friend.

I flew back to LA last night because I didn't want to spend another day with him and I figured my time in New York was done. He has been texting me all morning but I couldn't care less.

"You broke up over that? Are you kidding me?" Riley said outraged at me.

"Riley, I thought you would understand." I said, crossing my arms across my chest.

'"I do but.. It just seems like a stupid reason... however I know you better than anyone so I know the real reason why you kicked Lucas to the curb. Your parents may be a small detail in the reason isn't the real reason." Riley tried to explain to me.

"Fine, since you think you know the real reason then tell me." I tell Riley, rolling my eyes.

"It's simple. Lucas got to close and I know rejection and people leaving are your fears. You left him before he can leave you. You didn't want to be like Kermit and your mom so you avoided that by dumping him and him being a low key stalker gave you another reason to let him go." Riley said acting like she was Oprah.

"Have you been watching Oprah?" I asked trying to avoid the subject.

"Yes you're not listening Maya." Riley said annoyed.

"I did and you're wrong and I simply don't want to date Lucas anymore." I lied.

Riley was completely right but could I admit that? No. Riley will try to get us back together and right now I just need time and either way I'll have to reunite with huckleberry when we go back to filming.

"Okay, whatever you say.." Riley says not believing a word I say.

"Well I have to go to my house and be lazy." I say leaving.


I know I promised I would stay out of Maya and Lucas's relationship but they are practically screaming for my match making skills. I shouldn't help but I just have too! I mean like Selena Gomez once said "The heart wants what it wants."

That's it I'm going to invite Lucas over. He obviously wants Maya back and I should help him. Then I'll invite my match making team and my boyfriend Farkle if I need their help.

Yep, me and Farkle got together while Lucas and Maya were in New York. He's such a sweet guy and he's... I'm getting off track. My priority right now to to get Maya and Lucas back together.


"Riley, why did you invite me to your house? Are you going to lock me in the closet again? You better not because-" Lucas started to say before I interrupted him.

"I'm not going to lock you in the closet but I have a plan to get you and Maya back together.. For good." I say.

Lucas then replies with "Why should I trust you?"

"Why can't you?"

"Beacuse you locked me in a closet." Lucas said starting with the whole closet locking thing again. "Jesus Friar, no wonder Maya dumped you!" I yelled out of annoyance.

My Fake RomanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon