I heard Huckleberry's are great on Pancakes."

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"Don't you see how amazing this place is?" I say walking into

I had to drag Lucas to Topanga's and listen to every reason why he couldn't come here. He can be so dramatic sometimes.

"No, I honestly don't see the appeal in this place." Lucas replied.

"Fine, at least eat here with me and I'll do whatever you want to do later." I say

"Anything?" Lucas smirked.

"Anything G rated." I reply.


"Fine." I gab his arm and drag him to the brown table in the back.

"Why do you even like this place?" A curious Lucas asked.

I have plenty of reasons but I prefer to keep those a secret for now.

"My mom owns this place so I guess I just feel safe." I say.

Its was true I do feel safe here but my mom and Riley's mom owning the place had barley anything to do with that. I look at Lucas, he knew there was more to that but was smart enough to not ask.

Lucas and I have become closer over the past week which is great. Now, we can be more convincing when fake dating. I sometimes end up thinking we are dating but then realize we are fake dating.

"I'll go get me a strawberry smoothie." I say getting up.

"Okay." Lucas replied.

I walk up to Riley's mom to order. She hates the whole 'Hollywood thing' so she spends her time here whenever she can. Mr Matthews is sometimes here too but he is California with Riley and Auggie.

"Hey Maya." The lady said to me.

"Hi can i have a strawberry smoothie." I ask.

"Yeah, of course." She replied.

"Thank you." I walk away and see Lucas sitting on the red chair.

"Lucas, why are you sitting here?" I ask.

"Because i can?" Lucas says.

"So what do you want to do later?" I ask.

"Before we do that I need to go to my old house and get something. I promise it will only be 5 minutes." Lucas said.

"Sure." I say.


"This is your house?" I shockingly ask.

After years of acting I still can't afford a house this big. This place is huge! Then again Lucas was rich before he was even born and just add hit movies and shows then you get this.

"Yeah, I know its a little small but we plan on giving it to some guy named Kermit and his three kids." Lucas said.

Kermit? Three kids? Is he talking about my dad? I know he is rich but he couldn't afford this huge place, I think. Then again I haven't seen him in a couple of years so he could have gotten a better job. Him and his three brats always find a way into my life.

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